Chapter 14

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We decided to take a ride so I can practice my powers some more. But since I didn't have a grimoure I can only practice fire and headaches but we decided I should just do fires because the only people to give headaches to are the twins. We made sure we went really far from the  house and away from the woods where Jeremy found me. We found a clearing and we placed candles down so I can light them. Then Grayson said, "Okay now remember the anger you felt before and focus on lighting the candle. I did as he said and remembered what happpened in the woods and all the other times he made me angry I also focused on lighting the candle I waited a mom by and opened my eyes, nothing. "It didn't work, maybe it was a one time thing" Ethan shook his head, "No, try it again" I did it over and over and finally got it on the 8th try.  Yes I finally did it" Grayson smiled, Ethan grinned and rolled his eyes, "Finally is right. 8 tries! Seriously!" I returned the grin back but mine was a bit evil. I stared at him until he fell on the ground screaming, "STOP IT!" I chuckled, " Does this make up for the 8 tries?" He answered immediately, "Yeah definetly. NOW MAKE IT STOP!!" I stopped the headache. Grayson laughed, "I guess those don't need any practice." Ethan stood up, "I agree, jeez those hurt like hell" I laughed, "And that should be a life lesson, bother me I'll make you scream in pain like that" I snapped my fingers to represent how fast. "Okay i think we should practice more fire, now since you started the fire you can put it out. So now do what you did to start it but instead focus on putting it out," Grayson said, I nodded but said first, " Will I always have to be angry to do it?" Grayson shook his head, "No but it's a good way to practice as a beginner, as you become more powerful it becomes as simple as thinking of lighting it and it happens." I nodded, "Okay" This time it only took me 2 times to get it. We practiced it over and over again.  I started to get bored, "Is there anything else I can do without a grimoure?" Ethan answered, "Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot but you can make this float. Like these leaves on the ground you can them float and move around" "Cool" I tried it, I put my hands out and concentrated, I closed my eyes, I thought about the leaves floating like wind was blowing them. I opened my eyes to see it worked the first time which shocked  me. I smiled it really was cool, I slowly put them back down. I heard a voice from behind, "Cool trick. I guess you found out. Uhh one of the reasons why I loved your mother, always impressing me with the spells she learned." I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw. Jeremy. Grayson and Ethan were ready to fight, it was written all over their faces. I got ready too. Jeremy must've seen this because he then said, "Wouldn't do that if I were you. You have to at least see who your up against. BOYS C'MON OUT!" After he said this multiple men appeared out of nowhere is a circular formation. Damn it, we were surrounded....

Punished: Grayson Dolan Vampire StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin