Chapter 5

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The two guys started fighting, but I wouldn't consider it a fair one being my attacker was fighting with his knife while the other guy had nothing. While glancing back at the fight I was looking around the truck to find something to at least break the chain to the cuffs. I looked in the backseat and saw a saw. PERFECT! I used my free hand to reach for it. I glanced back and saw the mysterious guy beating the driver badly. The driver would try to swing with his knife over and over again but the other guy managed to knock it out of his hand. After that the driver looked shocked but that was mostly mixed in with fear. The mysterious guy saw the fear and grinned, " I think we're done" and with that he punched him in the chest and knocked the wind out of him. While the driver was gasping for air the other guy said to him, " If I catch you doing something like this again. I will make your neck seem like a twig and snap it in half, got it? Thank you for your time. I'll be needed those keys now." The guy reached into the nearly unconscious guys pocket and pulled out a pair of keys for the handcuffs. He walked over to me and unlocked the cuffs. I looked at him, "Who are you?" I asked. He answered, "I'm Grayson Dolan. What's your name?" "I'm Crystal. Crystal Valsburg" I answered. He smiled, "Cool, umm, I'm assuming you didn't know that guy and wanted a ride somewhere, sooo I understand if you say no because of what just happened but, I could give you a ride to me and brothers house for you to stay the night and I can drive you to where you need to go tomorrow?" I was torn, he was right I didn't want to but he seemed nice and I had no other choice. But how can I trust him? I snapped out of my thoughts from his saying, " Don't worry you can trust me. I'm not like that creep over there." I hesitated, "Okay, but just for the night" Grayson's face lit up "Great! Grab your stuff I'll walk you over to my truck. My house is only 10-15 minutes away." I grabbed my stuff again and followed Grayson to his car.

Punished: Grayson Dolan Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now