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Soundwave knew where the Autobot base was located... He had always known. But he had also known that it wasn't the time to bring the Autobot's to heel, having calculated the destruction their offlining would've caused to both Cybertron and Earth alike... And he wouldn't dream of revealing their location, now that his sparkling was there, and he felt he would owe them for caring for his little seekerlet...

The tall, lithe mech had to keep from calling her in the form of seeker dialect that he spoke, spark fluttering when he made his way into the empty base, having chosen this time since he was aware all the Autobots were out scouting, leaving perhaps one guard with his daughter.

Landing on top of the silver dome that made up the roof of the Autobot base, remaining in a crouch as he listened, systems attempting to scan through the steel beneath his pedes to pick up life signals, frowning when they came back unreadable.

Soundwave stood up to his full height slowly, his tentacles sliding down to the ground beneath him, attaching to the steel beneath him, prying the hard metal back until there was a large enough space for him to slip through, landing almost silently within his enemies' domain.

Remaining still for several moments, Soundwave listened once again for any sense or hint that somebot had heard his arrival, the tension slowly seeping from his frame as he stood to his full height again, looking around before making his way down what seemed to be a hall with berthroom doors on either side.

Soundwave's spark pulsated so rapidly and loudly, that the TIC was almost certain that if any Autobots within the base didn't hear it, then he would have a spark attack at any moment.

Laserbeak's soft, soothing chirps reached him and the Decepticon placed a servo on her, caressing the thin metal as he looked around, the air feeling cool on his exposed faceplates as he searched for his sparkling, field reaching out in a desperate search, the con having to bite back the need to call for her in seeker dialect.

Stepping into what looked to be the main room as well as the med bay, Soundwave hesitated, looking around in curiosity, hoping to find any sign of his offspring when the sound of pedsteps reached him and he turned to look in the direction, tensing when purple optics that were nearly white in colour locked with blue.

Arcee, cradling AirRush's smaller frame against her chassis had heard a strange sound out in the main room and had carried the sparkling along with her as she went to discover what was causing the noise... She hadn't expected to see a mech that had long been believed as offline, standing just a few feet away.

Coming to a stop, Arcee froze and nearly dropped the black seekerlet as she stared in disbelief at the mech before her, dark blue, nearly black armouring, purple optics that were nearly white, handsome faceplates... They were more scarred than she had remembered, but there was no doubt about it... "SkyGale!" Arcee gasped out, feeling anger quickly overtake her shock. "Y-YOU!" She took a step forwards but stopped when she heard the sound of AirRush's little whimper, looking down into pearly white optics that looked up at her in confusion as well as slight fear.

Looking back up, Arcee jerked as she realized that SkyGale was nowhere to be seen... About to search for the mech, the smallest of team Prime stopped when Optimus' voice crackled over her comm. ::Arcee, return us to base.::

Growling, the two wheeler abandoned her search and set AirRush down on the berth, moving over to the groundbridge and opening it, the sound of the femmeling's giggling reaching her audio receptors and causing her to turn around, Arcee's spark jumping into her intake at the sight... SkyGale was standing over AirRush! "Get AWAY FROM HER!" Arcee shouted, blades transforming out of her arms as she charged him, the larger mech easily dodging and vanishing up into the inner workings of the roof, Arcee posting herself beside AirRush in case he returned, shaking her helm.

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