A Match

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AirRush screamed and cried loudly, kicking her pedes as Arcee tried to hold her. "Can you hurry up?!" Arcee shouted over the screams as she held the femmeling tightly, making her want to offline her audios.

Ratchet glared at her as he drew some of the sparkling's energon. "There! I'm done! Now give her something to keep her quiet!"

The three children, Jack, Miko and Raf were all plugging their ears as AirRush continued crying loudly, big, fat tears of coolant rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey, shhhh." Arcee attempted to soothe the sparkling, looking for the energon and dropper that they had been feeding her earlier, finding it and quickly sitting, AirRush in one arm as she got some of the energon and held it to her lips.

AirRush's cries stopped and everyone sighed in relief, but then she whimpered.

Arcee cringed. "Please, don't cry again!" She pleaded, trying to feed the sparkling the energon, but she kept her lips tightly closed, whimpering before screaming again.

Ratchet offlined his audios in annoyance as he tried to test her DNA and the DNA of the Autobots that they knew of. Immediately, he received the reading of Offroader, who was the femme they had already identified as the carrier.

Venting, Ratchet searched through the mechs, waiting as the consoles went through each mech's samples, searching for who could've been the mysterious sire of the sparkling.

Arcee groaned as AirRush continued to cry, Optimus Prime coming into the medbay from behind.

At the sight of the large, blue and red mech, AirRush immediately quieted and gurgled happily, reaching for him over Arcee's shoulder.

"Finally!" Arcee said, turning around to see her leader. "Here, take her! She'll cry if you don't!" She said, holding out the black sparkling who squealed happily and reached for the Prime.

Hesitantly, Optimus reached out and took AirRush, smiling down at her slightly. "Hello my pretty little femme." He said gently, smiling as the black sparkling curled up in his arms, yawning as she cuddled against the large chassis.

Arcee vented in relief, smiling up at him. "Thank Primus you came along! We were so sure that she was going to cause the whole base to collapse!" She said.

Optimus chuckled and shook his helm at her. "Sparklings scream, Arcee." He told her, making her cross her arms and roll her optics. "I know that!" She cried in annoyance. "I've just never heard one as loud as her." She said, looking at AirRush pointedly.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called over his shoulder, the two Autobots looking up at her. "What is it?" Arcee asked, coming up behind him.

"We have a match." Ratchet announced, turning around to look at them. "The sire is SkyGale." He said before either one could ask.

A grim silence fell over the small group of humans and autobots. "So... AirRush doesn't have any parents?" Raf asked sadly from where he stood in the kids' rec-room.

"I am afraid that AirRush is another orphan of our war." Ratchet told him as all eyes and optics turned onto the dozing sparkling as she cuddled against Optimus' chassis. "OffRoader is offline, and SkyGale has been assumed offline for millennia. We've never heard of him since he disappeared, and there have been no sightings." He explained.

Arcee snorted at him. "Just because he's been missing doesn't mean that he's not around... Maybe he's just stuck on Cybertron, or some other random planet." She said pointedly.

"Arcee." Optimus' voice caused everyone to look at him. "Just because you assume that SkyGale is responsible for OffRoader's offlining, you cannot seek revenge from a possibly offlined mech."

The blue two-wheeler glared at him slightly. "I know that SkyGale is responsible of her offlining!" She responded. "And when I find him, I'll make him admit it, prove that he is!" She responded angrily, stalking off down the halls to her room.

Everyone stared after her, and AirRush, who had been awoken by Arcee's shouting, began to cry all over again.

"I feel there is something strange going on..." Optimus announced calmly.

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