"Our little bumblebee's got a good head start on toys." He grinned and Draco scrunched up his face.

            "Hey bubba?" Draco questioned and Blaise turned to look at him. "Not that I don't like it, but why do you want the baby to call you bubba?"

            "I don't know." Blaise sighed. "I really like it and you started calling me it, I think it's cute." He shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

            "I-I just thought you were doing it so it doesn't seem so real. I mean, we're teenage boys having a baby. Having a little person call you daddy is different from me calling you that."  He said and Blaise nearly chuckled.

            "Are you implying that I don't want this?" Blaise asked softly. "Would that be why I don't want it to be real?"

            "No." Draco shook his head. "I-I just think it's different, you know?"

            "No I don't." Blaise raised his voice slightly causing Draco to look down. He and Blaise never fought so for him to raise his voice even slightly, meant something big.

            "I just don't want to do this alone." Draco admitted.

            "You haven't so far have you? I've been there for you since we found out, why are you all of a sudden scared?"  He shouted and that's where Draco reduced to tears. He slumped to the bed and covered his face weeping softly.

            Blaise sighed and made his way over to Draco. He sat on the bed and gently pulled the boy into himself.

            "Talk to me." Blaise ushered.

            "I-I'm s-scared." He told Blaise. "We're so y-young." He wept into his boyfriend's chest. "I-I don't w-want to d-do this a-alone. I-I need t-to know y-you know this is r-real." He let out a loud sob so Blaise ran his hands through his hair.

            "It's very real Draco. I know that and I accept that.  Honeybee, I can't wait for our baby to be born but if I'm being honest, I'm scared too. We're so young, we're still in school, neither of us know what we're doing... but we're gonna learn and make mistakes along the way. You gotta remember this isn't school and you can't study to get a perfect grade. But you're so smart and you're gonna do just fine."

            "Do you promise?" He asked sniffling and Blaise kissed his forehead.

            "I can't promise but I can tell you, we're gonna do our best." Draco just snuggled into Blaise's chest and nodded. It felt good to get it off his chest, Draco thought. He was tired off putting up this façade that he was good and wasn't scared. Sure he felt happy but the unknown scared him the most.

Blaise's P.O.V

            I left Draco's house before dinner time so I could eat dinner with my mum. I knew I shouldn't have lost my cool at him but I was angry he would suggest that I didn't want to be around or tried to make to make it seem any less real. I never said anything about not being around or not thinking it was real.

            The way he started crying upset me because I don't want to see him sad. He was too fragile for that. I was even more upset that he was so much more scared than he led on. He was strong and prideful but keeping it in is never good.

            "Hi mama!" I spoke as I walked into my house.

            "In the kitchen!" She called back so I made my way into the kitchen where she was cooking some fried chicken wings with mashed potatoes. "Hi baby, how was seeing Draco?"

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