After training, I head home to Tobin and groan as I stretch out on the couch with her after getting a shower.

"Tobin, your girlfriend is being mean to me." Ash whines, plopping down on the couch next to the one Tobin and I are on.

"How?" Tobin asks, playing with my hair.

"She left me behind this morning." Ash says and I make a face at Ash.

"I told you to hurry up, after you told me the same thing." I say and Ash huffs.

"Quiet, you." Ash says and I stick my tongue out at her.

"You two, do I have to lock you guys in a room together?" Tobin asks and I shake my head. "Good. Stop bickering like toddlers then." She says and I turn over onto my back to look up at Tobin.

"See, we're just bickering, it's not like toddlers, because we are toddlers. We just look 27 and 34." I say and laugh when I see Ash nodding, pointing at me. "Also, Alex and Ali are coming over. Want to say hi to you. Spend some time with us." I say, poking Tobin in the stomach, laughing as Tobin grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"Cool." Tobin says and I nod. "When are they getting here?" Tobin asks as there's a knock on the door.

"Right now." Ash says, getting up and opening the door for Ali and Alex, of course, kissing Ali while Blue comes and jumps on my stomach, making me groan as he sits on my crotch.

"Hi buddy." I say, scratching his head and pushing him to my lap so I can sit up and give him more attention and breathe at the same time.

"And what about Auntie Ash?" Ash asks, coming and sitting on the same couch she was sitting on, Blue looks at her and then back at me before licking my chin and curling up between Tobin and I. "Fine then."

"I'm sure he's only staying here for Tobin." I say and chuckle as Blue huffs before getting up and going over to Ash, sitting in front of her, staring up at her, so I scoot over, into Tobin so Alex can sit, since Ali and Ash are on the love seat. I rest my head on Tobin's shoulder and put my left hand over her stomach squeaking as I feel Alex tickle the small of my back, so I crawl over Tobin's lap, to the other side of her and playfully glare at Alex, who gets comfy in the space I just surrendered. "Oh that's just cold." I say and Tobin looks at me funny.

"She tickled me, babe." I say and Tobin chuckles.

"Alex," Tobin says and Alex looks at Tobin, batting her eyelashes excessively, just to be extra.

"Yes?" Alex asks, still being extra af.

"Don't tickle my girlfriend." Tobin says and Alex nods. "That's my job." Tobin says before tickling my sides, so I squeak and jump away from both of them, off the couch, landing on the floor as I pout up at them.

"You guys are so mean to me." I say and Tobin smiles.

"Come back."

"No. Never." I say, but squeak again as Tobin grabs my ankle and tugs me toward her, catching Blue's attention, and he barks at Tobin, who lets my ankle go immediately as Blue comes over to me, so I hug him and look at Tobin. "Ha." I say as Blue licks my cheek.

The next day at training, I grunt as I'm shoved to the ground from behind, obviously not on purpose, I didn't have the ball, but cry out as I try to catch myself, which was a bad idea because I'm pretty sure I just fucked up my wrist, but I get up with my other hand before Merritt can come onto the field and get right back into the scrimmage, only stopping when I put my hand out to keep Camila from getting the ball, and she picks her leg up, bumping my wrist and it begins to throb along with other painful shit, so I just stop and grip my forearm, because what the fuck else am I supposed to do? Finally the scrimmage stops after Ash kicks the ball out of bounds and Merritt runs over to me, grabbing my forearm.

"What's wrong?"

"My wrist. I messed it up earlier." I say and Merritt nods, walking me off the field as Danica takes my place on the field. Once we're on the bench, Lloyd hands me a bottle of water, so I drink from it using my good hand while Merritt does what she needs to with my right hand. "Ah, shit." I say when she moves it upward.

"Take it that hurts." Merritt mumbles, continuing her assessment. "Are you done or do you want to get back in?" She asks and I look at her, raising my brow, so she nods, pulling out the flex wrap and flex tape from her bag, so I hold my hand out, pushing my fingers into her stomach, forcing the grimace from my face, because I know that if Merritt sees it, she'll pull me. he wraps my wrist from the bottom of my new shark tattoo up past my thumb, of course leaving the thumb out of the tape job and asks if it's okay.

"feels fine." I say, and she nods, so I get up and go stand by Khano, who pulls Dani, sending me in in the midfield.

After training, in the training room, Merritt checks my wrist again and sighs.

"Dammit, Y/N, you're lucky we have until April. I'm not letting you do shit for a month. Knowing you you'll break your damn wrist." Merritt says and I groan.

"I can't even work out on my own at the gym?" I ask and Merritt looks at me like she's about to knock me into next week.

"If I catch you working out before you're better, I'll murder you." She says and I hold my hands up.

"Okay, okay, sassy much?" I say and Merrit takes off the tape job before putting on a new one, sending me to the locker room so I can go home. As I'm changing, I feel Ash staring at me, so I look over.

"What's the verdict?"

"Out for a month."



"What'd you do?"

"Probably a bad sprain. She didn't say. It's not broken though." I say and Ash nods, waiting for me to finish changing, I grab my bag and everything and leave with her, going and getting in my Jeep as Ash gets in hers, I turn mine on and turn on Sorry Not Sorry before backing out of my parking spot and driving home, when I get home, I lay on the couch and sigh, looking over when I hear Tobin coming from my room and pout. "I don't want you to leave." I say and she comes over, sitting on the couch and putting my head in her lap.

"What'd you do to your wrist?" She asks and I sigh.

"Sprain. Out a month."


"Shoved from behind, tried to catch myself. Didn't work very well." I say and she nods. "So like, I can go to Portland with you." I say and Tobin looks at me with that stern look of hers. "Ugh, I hate that look of yours." I say and Tobin smiles, leaning down and kissing me softly.

"Guys, stop, you're making me jealous that Ali isn't here." Ash says as she opens the front door and I laugh, pulling away from Tobin, who looks over her shoulder at Ash.

"Then go over to Ali's. I got her." Tobin says and I shake my head at Ash.

"You promised yourself, Ashlyn Michelle Harris." I say and Tobin looks at me with a raised brow.

"What?" She asks and I chuckle.

"She promised herself that she wouldn't get into Ali's pants as long as I stay away from sex, and I've gone nearly three years. So she's got three years left." I say and Tobin chuckles.

"Sounds more like a challenge than a promise."

"Right? I told her that, but she insists it's a promise." I say and Tobin smiles.


I sigh as I slip my jersey on before the season and home opener against Portland. Tobin landed day before yesterday, so I've gotten to spend some time with her, but today is game day, and whatever happens on the field happens. I smile at the star over the crest on my chest.

"New season, ladies." I say and everyone looks at me. "Don't look at me like you're surprised I'm speaking." I say and everyone goes back to getting dressed. "First game and we've already got a tough game in store for us. But guess what? We're winners, we can beat them again, and in the reverse of this game. Let's all get out there and get us the first win of this season as champions. Maybe even try for a second star?" I ask and the team all let out their own loud 'yeah', so I nod and head out to warm up.

For kick off, I've got my foot on the ball waiting for the whistle to be blown so I can start the game, and as soon as the whistle blows, I kick the ball to Alex, who drops to Danica.

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