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Update: Sorry guys for taking so long, I always have writer's block but I'm planning to still continue this story :)

I was finally conscious of what I was doing and looked around me. The forest was dark green, the only light source was Hughes light and the flowers light.

I looked down, Gray was bleeding, he had a long scratch on his chest; it looked like a deep cut.

I did that.

"Gray!" I kneeled down and Gray didn't seem to move his eyes, I can't believe I put him in so much pain!

"Gray! I'm so sorry! Gray!" I sorrowfully said

Gray didn't seem to move one bit, he was still breathing yet still didn't move his eyes at all.

Hughes then stood up, a bit wobbly on his legs since he was kicked by Gray a while ago.

Hughes pointed his finger at me.

"We have to get this guy to the nearest house, anything. You obviously can't carry him yourself. You also got to the golden flower first. So I'll help you, if you give me a petal." Hughes requested

"Deal, deal! Just help me!" I exclaimed

I carefully put the golden, bright flower in my bag, hopefully the powers of it doesn't wear off too soon.

Hughes and I dragged Gray together; on arm on Hughes, one arm on me. For a really skinny guy, he weighs a lot. On my back I felt something running down my back, it's Gray's blood. I tried moving faster but Hughes couldn't go too fast because he was still in pain too.

Gray, please be okay. I know you'll be okay.

After dragging the Gray through the woods, we finally saw a little light nearby, it was a small cabin.

"Hughes, look! There's a light!"

"Yeah.. that's my cabin."

Who'd knew the guy who once tried to manipulate me, help me, just for a small petal of a golden flower?

We finally arrived at the cabin and dragged Gray to Hughes bed. Right after we set down Gray, Hughes limped quickly to get the bandages. I helped Gray get more comfortable on the bed, he seemed to be blinking but no movement in his body at all.

Hughes came over and gently wrapped the silver colored bandages around him, I stood over Gray, hoping something word happen.

Gray then started blinking and moving his mouth.

"(Y/n).." Gray groaned

"Gray!" I scrambled to my knees and put my hands near Gray's arms

I'm too scared to touch him, what if I attack him again? He'll die.

Gray slightly moved his hands and tried to cup my hands.

So of course, I held his hand and teared up.
Why did I let this happen to Gray?

"(Y/n), those silver bandages are made with my healing potions, so he'll be fine in the morning. I'm going to go to sleep in the other room. If you wanna sleep, you could sleep next to me." Hughes tiredly said

"(Y/n), you better not sleep with that loser. Just because I'm hurt doesn't mean I can't hear you, Hughes." Gray wearily said

"Okay, thank you, Hughes; but I'll be with Gray tonight. I'll leave a petal on the bed in the morning when we leave, thank you so much."

Hughes slightly grinned and stopped at the door, he sorta turned around a bit.

"Hey (y/n), that black potion wasn't poison, it was just something to make you slower and weak. I wanted the golden flower to myself but then I realized that I didn't need it, seeing what you did to Gray and how scary you were. I only need a petal. You need the entire flower. So sorry about the whole misunderstanding"

"Forgive and forget, right? No worries, Hughes. I'm just so glad you helped Gray. I definitely owe you." I cheerfully said

"You could owe me by introducing me to your friends in the Fairytail guild, I've always wanted to be apart of them. I'll see you soon (y/n), good night."

Hughes then walked out the room and closed the door.

The flower was in my small purse, it surprisingly didn't bend or fold, maybe that's another reason why it's magical.

"(Y/n).. Don't leave me." Gray quietly said; I held Gray's hand, I could hear the pain he's in from his voice.

"Gray, I won't leave this room, I just have t-"

"No, (y/n), don't ever leave me, I don't want to imagine my life without you."

I blushed, I guess Gray has a way with words. I held Gray's hand even tighter and waited till he fell asleep. At around 3am, I fell asleep on Gray's chest (which wouldn't hurt him because he's already healed).

What a night.

I guess I'll be making the potion tomorrow morning before we leave.

"(Y/n), I lo.." Gray almost instantly fell asleep

I hope he's not planning to say that just yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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