Date Night: Carnival Special

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Note: Well, if you've been reading up to here, here's a special chapter :) Oh gosh. Sorry for the late post!

"Move it, Natsu! We were here first!" shirtless Gray shouted, face to face with Natsu.

I looked up at the moonless sky but filled with stars. It's been 2 days since that incident with Mason. To get over the sadness, the guild decided to go to a carnival.

It's so colorful. The Ferris wheel glows with so many colors. Christmas lights stick from booth to booth, even though it's not Christmas, I still enjoy it. The best thing is that it's right by the beach!

As I wait behind the dull-green ticket sign, Gray and Natsu start to argue.

"I was here first! Why don't you go make out in the corner with (y/n)?" Natsu said as he stuck his tongue out.

"Wha-" I uttered but interrupted by Lucy.

"Knock it off you two, there's two ticket booths. You're both in two different lines, idiots." Lucy explained, surprisingly calmly.

"Oh yeah." Natsu marveled and went back into line with Lucy.

Gray went back in line with me and turned around.

"Sorry but you know how much I hate Natsu." Gray grumbled

We all bought our tickets and headed to the booths.

"Lucy! Look! This lady might be able to tell my future!" Natsu exclaimed

Natsu pointed towards a purple booth that said "Fortune Teller" on the top. Shiny, purple cloths slightly covered the top of the booth. There were many moon silhouettes that appeared through the blankets.

Lucy sighed and answered, "Okay, fine. I guess we can go insi- NATSU!"

Natsu was already inside the booth, with his hand on the fortune tellers palm.

"She already told me my future, she said something about dragons or time stuff. Your turn Gray!" Natsu sneered as he got up the chair.

I looked at Gray and he looked kinda frightened. Was he scared of them?

"I don't want to go.." Gray mumbled

"Not surprising that Gray's such a wimp." Natsu laughed

"Well I'm not going unless (y/n) goes." Gray angrily said

Gray grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye.

"Come on, you're coming with." Gray barked

"Hah, Natsu and I are going to go to the Ferris wheel. We'll see you in a bit!" Lucy waved and left with Natsu.

"Gray, you can't just grab my hand and expect me to go along with everything." I replied as I quickly pulled my hand.

"Nope. You're coming with." Gray said as he put his hand on my waist and pulled me to the chair.

"Gray-no-seriously-Gray!" I groaned as he sat me down next to him, the fortune teller sat in front of us.

"It'll be fine. Trust me." Gray assured and kissed my cheek.

The fortune teller smiled, probably because of how Gray acts with me. The table had a silky, shiny blue cloth with golden flower patterned endings.

Though, the fortune teller herself was around 52 years old. Her nails glimmered with golden glitter. She wore a ruby colored robe with a lace at the bottom.

"May I see your palms?" She kindly asked

Gray and I put our palms on her hand and watched the fortune tellers reaction. She closed her eyes and breathed in, then opened them looking down at our palms

A Frozen Romance : Gray X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now