Episode 11: B L O O D M O O N ii

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"What have I done?" Jace gasped, looking down at the dismantled body parts in front of him, his whole body dripping with blood.

"Good lord" gasped Luke as he and Matt arrived at the scene.

"I- I didn't know" Jace cried as he looked down at his naked body.

"You know what this means don't you?" Matt said.

"But-" Luke objected as he watched with wide eyes.

"No please, I didn't mean to" Jace begged.

"It's too late" Matt replied, aiming the gun at Jace.

"Please" Jace begged as he stared at Matt horrified.

Bang! the gun goes off and Jace dropped to the ground.


-two hours earlier-


"He's faster! We can't keep up" I yelled, jumping from one tree to another.

"I have an idea...is there a short cut to Justin's" Matt asked

"Yes, I could use the other route off the road" I replied

"Good, get there and shut the fucking party down, I'll deal with Jace" Matt said.

"Be careful" I cautioned before turning around, heading for the shortcut.

After a while, I arrived at Justin's, it was way bigger than I expected, everywhere was bopping with loud music and people.

"Just great" I scoffed, trying to think of an alternative.

"Bingo!" I smirked, staring at the electric cables above me.

"This will definitely sting" I grunted as I climbed up the pole, bringing out my claws as I reached for the cables.

"Here goes nothing!" I sighed, pulling apart the cables as electricity bloated through me.

"Ughhhh!" I grunted, tearing the cables apart and cutting through them.

The whole block soon lost it power and everywhere became dark, automatically shutting down the party.

"Oh shit" I gasped for air, crashing to the ground.

My body flinched and twisted as electricity bolted through me, it might take a while to heal.



Jace suddenly stopped in his tracks, which means Luke had successfully shut the party down.

He growled, sniffing the air before making a quick detour, he's going for something else now.

"The highway!" I gasped, watching Jace run towards the rows of honking cars

"This is bad" I muttered, increasing my speed as I chased after him.

He soon reached the highway and jumped on top of a truck, he's going for the kill, steadily making his way towards the driver.

"No!" I let out a roar, pushing him off the truck and throwing him into the woods.

"Listen to me! Find your Anchor!" I yelled at him, pinning him down to the ground.

He wasn't having it, he growled and snapped at me, sinking his teeth into my arm before he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the ground.

"No!" I roared, quickly reaching for his legs and throwing him further into the woods.

"Find your Anchor!" I yelled at him but it wasn't helping, he's too far gone.

"Grrrrr!" He growled, pacing left and right, waiting for the right time to attack.

"Don't do this Jace" I said to him.

He suddenly charged at me, aiming for my throat as he swung his claws at me. He was throwing everything he had at me and I was barely keeping up.

"Ughh" I grunted as he snapped my arm with his teeth

"Alright, fuck this" I cursed, grabbing him by the neck and slammed him against a tree.

"ARGHHHH!" He let out a loud roar, I must have hurt him really bad.

He retreated before suddenly charging at me with the strength of a mad bull. Sending me flying off the ground and crashing into the middle of the road.

Honk!! Honk!! My eyes doubled in size as a tanker honked at me while it approached me in full speed.

With one quick boost, I kicked myself off the ground, landing on top of a car close by, if I had been any slower, I probably would be crushed to death.

The sound of a loud crash ahead gained my attention, a car was tumbling down the road and the growls of Jace could be heard close by.

"Fuck" I cursed, jumping from on top of one car to another as I approached the scene.

Jace hadn't been seen by anyone yet, he was too quick and if you weren't watching closely, you could miss him.

He was running towards the crash, I could see a woman crawling out of the tumbled car, unaware of the blood thirsty beast approaching her in the distance.

"That's enough!" I roared, shifting as I launched myself at Jace, who was already reaching out for the woman.

"Haarghhh!!" I growled, grabbing his arm and throwing him off the highway.

"Good lord" the trembling woman gasped, staring at me in horror.

"Watch out!" My eyes opened wide as I watched the car suddenly burst up in flames.

I quickly used myself to shield the woman as the explosion sent the both of us flying, landing few distances away later.

"Mam are you okay?" I asked the woman in my arms only to discover she had already passed out.

"Just great" I mumbled, setting her down safely beside the road. the sound of sirens echoing in the distance as I dashed into the woods.

It didn't take long to find Jace, he was already running towards me, ready to attack.

"Find your God damn anchor" I grunted, pinning him down to the ground.

"Haaaa!" I screamed in pain as he dogged his claws into my back, before I could react he was already on top of me.

"HAAAAA!" I screamed louder as he sunk his teeth into my neck, biting down and not letting go.

If I stayed any longer like this, he could rip out my throat so I summoned all the strength I had left in me, throwing him off me as I crashed to the ground.

I watched anxiously as Jace got back on his feet, staring at me with hunger in his eyes, he paced steadily, his eyes fixed on me, he had me right where he wanted.

As he's about to charge at me, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, his ears twitching before he turned around and head for the opposite direction. I could hear it too and I knew exactly where he's going.

The party is back on, but this time, louder than before.


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