Chapter 4

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First of all, I am NOT A HEAVY SLEEPER! Hello. I'm Sammy and it's my turn to continue the story. So...

We ate a yummy breakfast then joined John for the tour. Now please be patient with me. I'm not very good with big words. I mean, why say delicious or scrumptious when you could just say yummy? I mean, it's that simple.

So we went on the tour. The floor that had the three halls was the first floor. There was a second floor which held all the rooms, and a garden (green house). Reyna didn't describe it very well. The kitchen, cafeteria and dining room were underneath the rooms but was connected with a staircase, and an escalator.

So basically, when you enter the tunnel, you enter the dining hall, but there's a staircase and escalator you can take to the rooms. Reyna and I have very different descriptions right? Well maybe that's because she was so nervous, she couldn't describe well.

Everything else was the same as Reyna said. But only the first floor though. There was a basement which, according to John, held the training room and weaponry. Weaponry? I bet you weren't thinking that we'd need weapons right? But we do.

That's basically it. There were only 2 floors and a basement. So to sum it up, the first floor held the sewing room, testing room, kitchen, dining room, cafeteria, offices, conference room, and lounge. And if you're asking why have a dining room and a cafeteria? Well, Zayla said that there are a lot of people working here, so they need room to feed everyone.

We met up with Zayla after the tour for lunch. I know right? Time flies by so fast. Especially since we were exploring a really big building.

"Good morning, girls. You can get your training outfits in the sewing room then get to training." She told us. Nice. We have to train. Why? No idea. So after eating lunch with Zayla in the lounge, we headed towards the sewing room to get our outfits.

"Hi, Linda. Could we get our training outfits?" Isabella asked. "Sure." Linda and Tori handed out six pairs to each of us. They were all the same style. But the style was nice. We went back up to our rooms to change then we took an elevator to the basement.

Jill exhaled a "wow". It was amazing. The whole room was like a jungle. Not like a calm forest. A wild jungle. There were no animals, but you could already sense that it wasn't going to be easy to cross the room. There were trees that touched the ceiling with thick trunks, and lots of vines. There were also many targets, and puddles that were either quicksand, or mud.

"How are we supposed to cross?" Vina asked us. "Well, we can't do this on our own, so why don't we use those weapons?" Maran said. She pointed to a wall full of weapons. There were all kinds of guns, knives, swords, spears, boomerangs, and and bows and arrows. Bows and arrows! Ugh. I love archery, though I don't know how to use them very well.

You've seen hunger games right? Maybe even read the trilogy? Well, I'm so obsessed hunger games, that I got inspired to want to use the bow and arrow.

Shelly and I got the archery sets along with knives, and the others got their picks too. We started. We separated and went down different paths. Now remember, the training room took up the whole area of the building except it was underground. So imagine how big it is.

There were machine animals roaming around. But they weren't fuzzy or cute or even friendly. They were carnivores. Killers. They started attacking us once they caught our scent.

Since we were all separated, we were on our own. I was stuck with a creature that looked like a leopard.

It was was on a big branch waiting for me. I just watched it wondering how to take it down. It leaped from the branch and started to circle around me. I watched it. I waited. And then it leaped. I took out one of my knives and raised it at the same time. But when I sliced at it, it only harmed one of its legs.

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