Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Angel

Hi. Guess Sammy left you guys hanging, huh? So to continue...

While Sammy was busy fighting her "snakard", we were all having trouble trying to take down our opponents. Fortunately, Sammy wasn't the only one to figure out that the creatures couldn't be defeated just by guns and bullets. We all did.

I was busy trying to take down a bear/lion thing. It had a lion's face, but a bear's body. Super weird. I lunged and thrusted. I jabbed with my long knives. I had two in each hand. But the beast was still not tired. I climbed up a tree and waited for it to find me. Then when its head came up, I jumped, and drove one of my knives deep into its head, releasing yellowish-orangish liquid. Eww. I didn't know machines had "blood."

I looked around. I couldn't see or hear anything or anyone. I checked my watch. 9:00am. Wow. A button suddenly appeared on the right corner of my watch. You see, all our watches were squared. Zayla told us we had to wear these. And so we did.

I pressed it and saw what Sammy did. I saw seven other green dots moving around the foremost part of the forest while there were red dots chasing them. Then one red dot disappeared. Guess it was Sammy's. The green dot, now alone, was running towards me. "Hi Sammy." I said. "Hey Angel. How did you do?" She asked. She was panting. She was trying so hard to catch her breath.

I told her my experience as we walked along, trying to find our other friends. We talked until 10, trying to make up new techniques. Then we met up with the others in the next part of the forest. It was between the front and the middle. So maybe it's like, the "middle-of-the-middle"? I don't know.

We each shared our experiences and we all shared new battle techniques.

And then a bell rang. "What was that?" Vina asked. We all looked around and on our watches. But we couldn't see anything.

"Good job girls. You did well. That will be all for today. You can proceed to the garden for some extra training." Xyria's voice carried over the intercom. "What? The garden?" Jill asked. We didn't question. None of us had the taste of liking for Xyria. She seemed too girly, too serious and way tok strict. Her eyebrows were arched, and she put on quite a bit of make up. She also walked around like she was the principal or something. Even Zayla didn't act like that.

We went up to the garden. We saw targets hanging up on the walls, the roof, and on trees. John approached us. "You will continue to train here. After finishing here, you will have lunch, then nap. We will show you your outfits for tomorrow and your new devices and higher technology that will be attached to your outfits, like your watches. You must also not hurt any living thing. Enjoy."

He stepped out of the garden and left us alone. Again.

We looked around and took it all in. If you erased the targets, it would look like a normal sunlit green house. But that wasn't the case. We got the only weapons available, which was an archery set for each of us, and walked. Jill stepped on quick sand. Thankfully, it only made you stuck in like 2 inches of mud/sand. We tried to help her, but we couldn't.

So we continued. I almost got stuck in a mouse trap that was like 3 times bigger, but I didn't. I stepped out just in time. I saw a target that wasn't hit yet, and aimed, and released. I am so not good at this. Shelly and Sammy were naturals. They hit each target, even if it wasn't really in the bull's eye. At least. I hit the tree. Oops.

We all practiced hitting targets with our 15 inch arrows and wooden bows. They're actually pretty heavy. Then, my watched beeped. A red dot was moving towards us. What could it be?

A lion stepped out. A lioness to be exact. We didn't know if it was real or not. And when I say real, I mean living. Sure our watches only beep when it comes to mechanical creatures, but it looked so real. Jill tried. She shot an arrow at the lion's paw. It made its mark and red liquid poured out. Guess it's real.

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