But the truth is -no one is free from problems. Even if we are a celebrity, we can't escape from problems.

Honestly one thing makes me elated.  He had sought help for his problem to me. He says he believes there will be no problem when we both get together. But I don't believe so because when he has problems with common people, then I'm one among those commoners, so there will be problems with me too.

But when he asks for my help, I can't refuse. I owe him a lot for the helps he did for me. And he didn't ask my property or something, he just asked for a company to save him from loneliness. I can give him what he want, can't I?

I took a quick shower and wore a black skinny jeans and aqua blue top. I matched it with a blue stud and black converse. I completed my face makeup and was all set to go.

Half an hour later, I was standing in front of his magnificent mansion. I pressed the door bell anxiously and the door was burst open revealing the absolutely handsome cricketer. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and a black jean.

Wait! Omg!if someone sees us they will think we are a cheesy newly wed couples wearing couple dresses.

By the way who wears a jean while staying at home? Or did he forget that he invited me and planned to hang out with someone else?

"Hey! Come in."

I smiled at him and entered the house.
I sat on the couch near the stairs.

"Want anything to drink?"

"Its okay. No thanks."

"How can I not give you anything? This is the first time you are visiting my house. I mean officially" he chuckled.

"Ok I'll have some water."

He went in and came back with a glass of water and a plate of snacks.

"Thank you." I took a bite from the plate and a sip from the glass.

There was awkwardness filled everywhere around us. We both didn't know how to proceed further.

What will we do in our friend's house?

Chat, gossip,update our relationship status,try new outfits, invent new hairstyles, eat, watch movies, play games....

What among this could be done with him?

I let out a huge sigh.

"What happen?" Probably he heard me.

"Um... Nothing."

"Diya can we stop acting as if we are in a boring family get together and have fun?"

This is Rishab. Always comes up with an idea.

"Am always ready for fun."

"So what shall we do?"

"Sorry, absolutely no idea." I grinned at him.

"Let's play?"


"Truth or dare?"

"No way." Seriously I don't believe in me and I'm sure I'll end up in trouble.

"Never have you ever?"

"Oh please no!" I exclaimed. Everything seemed dangerous.

If he had asked to play ouija board  with him, I would have happily agreed.

"Then what do you want to play? Ringa ringa roses?"

"Sounds good. Let's play that."

"Seriously? You shouldn't regret later."

Playing truth or dare or never have you ever will only make me regret.


We both stood up and came to the centre of the living room. We held our hands and started rounding singing at the top of our voices.

"Ringa ringa roses
Pocket full of poises
Husha busha all fall down."

Rishab fell down before completing the rhyme fully so I stumbled and fell over him as we were holding our hands.

We both burst out laughing at our childish behavior.

Suddenly Rishab's face turned serious and he was looking intensely into my eyes. I realized I was still on top of him lying on the floor. I started to tremble and my cheeks burned under his gaze.

I retreated from him and stood up,my face turning pink due to embarrassment.

He too stood up, nervously raking his hand through his hair.

"Sorry." He grinned.

"Its okay." I blushed.

He turned serious again.

"Ok Diya. As I'm the one who invited you, you have to do whatever I say. And don't forget you owe me."

"Let me try." I tried to act cool but failed miserably.

"You have to play truth or dare with me. One truth and one dare. That's enough."

I wish it is not tricky.


A/n: hey all!

Hope you liked this chapter.

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