"You love it."

I roll my eyes again- something I seem to do quite often around him. I ignore his comment and scold him, "Just shut up and help me get this finished."

A comfortable silence settles over us as we stick the paper maché over the wire frame I had made.

"Alex?" I ask.


"I think we're in for a lot."

He looks at me perplexed, "What do you mean?"

"This," I say gesturing to my assignment, "Is not the only thing Courtney is going to try destroy." I say softly.

He sighs and puts the paper down, "What makes you think that?"

"It's Courtney, Alex. She said why she did this- and it would only make sense for her to do something more. Something meaningful. All I'm saying is I think we've got a storm coming. And its going to be quite rough."

"Sophie." He utters. I look at him, worry and concern etched onto my face.

"Let the storm come them. We'll be right here for you. I'll be right here for you. You won't go through it alone. I knew the chances of this when I asked you to join."

My heart swells with appreciation for him and I smile.
"I don't want anyone getting hurt..." I say softly.

"They won't." He answers immediately. "I'll be your knight in shining armor," he smirks.

I roll my eyes again.

"You're hot when you're mad."

I blush at his comment and try my best to hide it with my hair.

"And when you blush." He adds. I can basically hear the smirk in his voice. I blush further.



"Look here."

"I'm busy."

"Look here."


"Look here."

I sigh and look at him only to feel something wet and gooey on my nose. I gasp in surprise before squinting at my nose to see the flour paste we are using for the paper maché on it.

I narrow my eyes at him, "Ew."

He cackles, "You look adorable."
And even though he just called me adorable, I ignore the comment and grab a handful of the thick liquid before rubbing it on his face.

He freezes in shock as I rub it all over and smile. "Twinsies." I shriek in a high pitch voice. He looks at me, his eyes turning a few shades darker, "You want to play like that now?" He grins menacingly.

I start backing away, "No! I don't want to play anyway." But its too late. Some of the liquid has being poured over my head, all over my hair. I squeal as it runs down my face and neck. I hear him laugh and I pout.

This is so unfair. I snatch some of the raw flour from the kitchen counter and throw it at him making him cough.

"Bye now!" I squeal and then I start running while wiping it out of my eyes. I run up the stairs, hearing his footsteps behind me which only pumps my adrenaline even more. I'm about to grab my bedroom handle when I feel myself being lifted into the air.

"Alex!" I squeal as he throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I shriek while hitting his - very beautiful- back. He laughs, his body vibrating underneath mine.

"Sorry babe. No can do."

I pout at my failure. "Your ass looks great though." He teases.

"Alex!" I groan. "Stop looking there."

He lets out another hoot although all I can think of is how grateful I am that he can't see how red my face is.

As we retreat down the steps I wonder where he's taking me. My question is soon answered when he tosses me onto the couch and pins me down. I don't get a chance to notice my breath hitch when he starts tickling my stomach. I shriek, laughing as hard as I possibly can. Alex laughs at my pain, swinging his leg over me so that I can't get away.

"Alex... please... please... stop..." I plead between laughter. I feel the tears stream down my face and my stomach burn from laughing and squirming. He cackles before stopping and I take that as an opportunity to catch my breath as I breathe heavily. However, he doesn't get off of me.

"Say you're sorry." He grins at me. I gape at him.

"Sorry for what?"

"For putting this gooey shit all over me."

I scoff. "You put it on me first!"

He shrugs. "Guess I'm going to have to force it out of you." He winks before leaning forward to tickle me again. I squirm, trying to push his hands away but to no avail. I gasp for air.

"Fine! Fine!" I yell, my breaths ragged. "I'm sorry." I roll my eyes. Alex smiles smugly.

"There we go!"

I roll my eyes before he gets off of me and stands up to his full height. He looks down at me mischievously as I try calm my heart. I glare at him from where I'm still sprawled on the couch.

"You messed that 'gooey shit' all over the couch." I whine and he winks.

"Guess you're going to have to clean it up since it came from your hair."

"You're such a dick." I retort.

And then... he smirks.

Don't forget to let me know what you think ;)

See you all next Saturday! :)



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