I was hoping that no one followed me, and was relieved when they didn't. Making my way to the dining hall was easy, but once I was in their, I felt the strong urge to leave. Not before grabbing something to eat ofcourse.

"My Queen," Fiona spat, as she sat on the other side of the table, eating something. Was I going to rush upstairs with a plate of food? No. My feet ached and I would be damned if she would attempt to scare me out of eating.

So I sat across from her, summoning a maid who was already waiting by the kitchen. "I will have some stew and bread if you still have some leftover from last night's supper," I told the woman as she quickly curtsied and rushed to the kitchen.

I ignored Fiona to the best of my ability as she glared daggers at me while I made interest of everything else in the room but her. "Why are you sitting down, my Queen? You have the ability to eat anywhere you want into the castle yet you chose to make yourself a nuisance to me."

The maid quickly came back with tea just how I liked it, and I took my time drinking it before answering Fiona's question. "Do not think so high of yourself Fiona, you and your brother have the same problems," I remarked, thinking about Sirus and how he made the situation earlier about himself. "I am starving and I will not wait for them to bring my food all the way upstairs because of you. I had no problem sitting here in silence, Fiona. You should not have a problem either."

My food was brought out after that, and I began to eat, ignoring her once again. Hunger and gluttony consuming me, I truly did not care if she insulted me again, I would continue to devour this meal.

"So, is my brother aware that you and that weak human are sending one another letters?" I paused for a few seconds before letting my body relax. If she saw me beginning to tense, she would pick up on it and use it to her advantage.

I shrugged, "he is aware that we used to be friends."

A smirk came across her features, "does he know you two plot against him? Honestly, Esmeralda you are such a fool sometimes I am surprised my brother does not just end his misery and kill you. It would hurt him for a while but the reward of being free from such a pest would be so great for him."

I had, had enough of her nonsense for the day. My emotions were beginning to spiral out of control since last month, and Chelsea warned me if was because of the child. Everyone knew not to bother me much out of fear of random crying or lashing out at...but Fiona did not care.

"Fiona, why do you despise me so much? Is it because you want your brother of some sorts? Do you want to be his Queen?" I could see her anger beginning to heighten and I smiled. "You do, do you not? You dirty minded woman, Sirus will never want you. Do you see the differences between you and I? Sirus will never, ever get rid of me as to much as my dismay. So you can talk and complain and berate me all you want, but it will always be me who your brother will be crawling back to, not you. His angry, insolent, little sister!" I shouted, slamming my fist down on the table.

She had gotten up, her eyes glowing dangerously bright. Hair was sprouting from her face and hands. I continued to eat my soup, with close eyes on her. "Come, Fiona, harm me. Kill me. Your brother will just do exactly what you did to me, to yourself."

She screamed at me, before slashing at the table, swiping plates and silverware unto the floor. "You will pay for your lies!" She snarled.

"She will not be paying for them today. Go and calm yourself down somewhere else, Fiona." I turned my head to see Rowan leaning against the wall, his eyes glowing, just as hers were.

Fiona stormed out of the dining area, as Rowan walked over to me. Seemingly assessing me from afar. "She did not hurt me," I told him as I continued my eating.

"I know," he frowned as he took the seat next to me. "Do you really think she is attracted to Sirus?"

I shrugged, sipping on my tea. "I do not know Rowan, I just said it so she would be furious and leave me alone."

Rowan began to chuckle and shake his head. "That is truly...interesting for you to say that. I just think she is an insane woman." I nodded enthusiastically, agreeing with him. "Insane women do crazy things, Esmeralda. You should make sure to steer clear of her. She still is Sirus's sister."

He was right, but I was his mate. Carrying his child. If I scratched myself and said she did it, she would get in trouble. Sirus could do whatever he wanted to me without consequences but the moment someone else did something to me, he wanted to use consequences. It was unorthodox and awful but it was true.

"Thank you for your concern, Rowan, but I have myself handled," I said while giving him a reassuring smile.

He rose to his feet, squeezing my hand. "I will leave you to eat. I know you will be here for a while eating bowl after bowl."

I gasped, "No I will not!"

"Yes you will. Your appetite is one of a man's since little Thorian has made his presence known."

That laugh I was about to let out, halted as I thought about what he said. "Her name," I stressed, "is Elizabeth! It will not be a boy."

Rowan shrugged, "Noses do not lie, Esmeralda."

"But people do, Rowan."

Hey guys. It's my birthday month! I'll be updating on my birthday too so you'll get another update in a week to two weeks.

QOTD: What's your favorite Disney movie??

I have like three: Lion King 2, Atlantis, and Tangled. Probably Treasure Planet too.

Anyway, any thoughts, questions, concerns? If you guys have any theories or predictions I'll kind of answer them truthfully lol

Till next time😘

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