The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling

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Aryan's POV:

I could see on Jasmeets face that my statement shocked not only her, but me as well. How could I say that the bully of my best friend might be more accepting than her own boyfriend? I should say this about Enzo, however, something made me think otherwise. It was apparent that Enzo did not seem comfortable in the foreign culture and all the customs while attending the wedding of her sister, which surprised me because when he asked her out, he should have thought about her cultural upbringing and their cultural differences; and I had the slight hunch that love blinded him, preventing him from making sound and good choices. Shawn on the other hand, seemed to have enjoyed himself at the wedding, as he appeared to be quite content and happy in this environment. This did not mean that he was someone for her, however, it showed that he was more open towards our living style.

"Jasmeet, let us go to Gurdwara Sahib ji (Sikh temple), we have not been there for ages! It might give you also some relaxation and peace of mind?" I exclaimed, when we drove past Southall Station and my best friend nodded in agreement, turning into the small road where the spiritual place was situated, and parked the car, turning it off. It had been so long, since Jassy and I went together to Gurdwara as we were so busy in our daily lives, which saddened me as we used to go there at least once a week. After covering our heads we took off our shoes and washed our hands, heading then into the praying hall, where currently a priest read a passage from the holy book. I felt immediately very calm and a glance at my best friend showed me that she also relaxed visibly.

Sitting down for a few minutes, I thought back to the small fight Enzo and Jasmeet had. I really worried that despite him caring for her and liking her that their relationship was destined to fail. My thoughts were pessimistic I knew this, but something convinced me that this was their fate. Maybe it was the fact that they hailed from different countries, I had a gut feeling that my best friend needed someone who could challenge her and loved her for who she was and not what she could be made into. Since the wedding, I had my doubts concerning her boyfriend, I could not put my finger on it, but something was off with this boy; he was too perfect, at least he was until today. A waving hand brought me back and pulled me out of my thoughts, making me realize where I was and that I was lost in the deep sea of my mind.

Heading to the langar hall, where free food was served, with Jasmeet, I decided that I had to talk to her cousins if they noticed something strange with this boy. Maybe they could prove my thoughts wrong, hopefully they would. Enzo, he became even kind of a friend to me and I liked him so I did not wish that my fear turned out to be true. He was nice and all, however, I could not shake the feeling off that something was completely wrong. I could not fathom how right my assumption were and that despite him being a nice guy, he was definitely not the one for my dear friend. My instinct was right from the start, I thought silently, remembering the days on which I had warned Jasmeet to stay away. . Although it pained me that Jasmeet would soon experience pain.

Once I reached my home, I found myself dialling the number of Kiran, Jassy's Cousin as I wanted my intuition to be proven wrong. After the third ring she picked up, saying: "Hi Aryan, nice to hear you! How are you?" I answered her with a smile: "Hi Kiran, I am fine and you?" It must surprise her for sure that I called but I could not detect a hint of amazement in her voice. When all pleasantries were exchanged, she wanted to know the real reason I called her and I started to share my worries with her by saying: "You know Enzo, Jasmeet's Boyfriend right? I have a bad feeling about him, he wanted her to come to a club and it seems like he is not comfortable with the indian culture. Do you also think this?"

Kiran thought for a few moments and then said with evident hesitation laced into her voice: "Aryan, I saw something at Samarpreet's wedding and I also told Jassy but she would not listen to me. What I tell you now, please promise me not to say anything to anyone!" Her words surprised me and I was now very curious what she witnessed which confirmed my suspicions. However, my curiosity was not satisfied as she was not able to formulate the next words and I was getting impatient. "Kiran, are you there?" I reminded her that I was still on the other end of the line.

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