Chapter 6

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I lay on my cell floor waiting for the feeling to return to my body, managing to only wiggle my fingers and lift my tongue. I am positioned so that my eyes are aimed at a blank wall; my body still holding the position it landed in when I was thrown through the door. I haven't heard any signs of movement behind me, maybe the girl isn't back yet, I would check to see but I can't move my head. Why am I here? What do they want from me? Am I an experiment? A tear slips down my cheek. I want to go home.

I can't. But I need to try. There is no point just laying here crying , this won't help me get out , I need to do something. Get up,get up, get up! More tears slip down my face, but they are tears of anger, frustration at myself. I force my body to cooperate, heat surging through my veins as I fight against the invisible hands that hold me down. Get up! I rip out of their grip, rolling over, my muscles scream in protest but I grit my teeth and drag myself to my feet, I stagger over to the wall and lean against it, catching my breath. I remain like this for a few minutes, wincing at the painful return of feeling to my limbs, bruises from my fall are now noticeable, and my arm aches continuously, but it's not unbearable unlike remaining here.

Finally my senses return to normal and I am able to feel and move with ease, if you count out the pain that is. Suddenly I remember that I am actually capable of checking if the girl has returned and I spin around to face her cell. My stomach tightens, she is laying on the floor in the middle of her cell, her hair has been shaved off and bruises cover her arms, bruises similar to the one on my own arm, she needs to move or she'll cramp up, lose circulation. I shuffle my feet in attempt to capture her attention, jangling my chains in addition. She lets out a groan and lifts her head, watching me, I jerk my chin up. Stand up. She closes her eyes, hiding from my gaze, and for a second I think she has chosen to ignore me but then she opens them and I see a new strength behind them but as she goes to lift herself off the ground her body begins to tremble. She grunts at the effort and I whine, maybe this isn't such a good idea, but she looks right at me and tries harder and I watch as she strains her muscles, her entire frame quaking now. She is too weak, she will hurt herself, I let out a muffled yell through my gag, warning her. But again she doesn't listen to me and continues to struggle.

Suddenly she collapses, crashing back to the ground, but she keeps trying, getting to her feet and ignoring her body's warning signs. This time she actually gets to her feet and looks at me, triumph clear in her eyes. Then they roll back in her head. Her body buckles and she begins to jerk and flail around, froth forming around her mouth, her back arching upwards towards the ceiling. I watch in horror, frozen. Then I begin to make as much noise as I possibly can, screaming through the gag. The guards come running almost immediately. "Shut up" one of them growls down the hall as they make their way towards our cells and I retreat to the back wall, eyeing his shock rod. But they soon forget about me, and stare at the thrashing person in front of them. Then they begin to laugh, cold, cruel laughter. I blink in shock, then anger overtakes me, they have to do something. I growl from the back of my throat, low and dangerous but they laugh at me in humour. Finally they decide to do something and unlock the girls cell. Removing her bindings before grabbing her by the back of her neck and dragging her down the hall and out of sight, a line of blood marking her path.

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