"Do you have any idea which coffee shop I'm talking about?"

"Hmm... Barista? It is the only one on the way to my house and I've heard it is good."

"Yeah, yeah.... The same.... You're absolutely correct....I don't know the route but. Show me ok?" I managed.


We reached the coffee shop with the directions she gave. She ordered vanilla latte and I settled for a hot coffee.

It was amusing to chat with her. We talked about our hobbies, favourite hero,heroines, our likes and hates for about half an hour. She got comfortable around me and now the word 'Arjun' wasn't uncomfortable anymore.

We exited the cafe after fighting who will pay the bill and settled to pay it fifty-fifty.

I dropped her in her home and she left chirping a thank you followed by a bye.

Each and everything in her was so cute that I was falling for her very hard. I didn't have any idea of falling in love so soon but I don't seem to have any other chance because I'm getting old and arranged marriage is not my thing. I think she has everything in her that I would want in my wife. Anticipating for the day when these feelings will turn mutual, I dozed off to sleep that night.

Rishab's POV:

                          It is sunday today and it has been two days since the party but the memories of it are still fresh.

I could still feel Diya around me- holding my hand, nervously biting nails and tugging her hair behind her ears, her cute behaviors while she was drunk, our lovely dance, her beautiful face while she was sleeping, she in my arms while I carried her,she in my clothes and in my house. Everything remained fresh in my mind. I wasn't able to forget anything nor stop relishing.

Everything was perfect in her. I feel I'm complete when she is with me. Though it is very few days since I know her,the impact she created in my heart speaks years. This feeling, no one else had given me.

Everything of hers gave me happiness-  to be with her,speak with her,tease her, even fighting with her. I'm delighted just by the sight of her.

I don't believe in coincidence. This definitely can't be coincidence too. Because why out of the 65000 audience present in the stadium, the ball went straight into her hands? And why should it be a ball hit by Dhoni? And suddenly without any intention why did I give her my number? And most importantly why was she so sweet and humble enough to enter my heart? She could have behaved like an annoying fangirl or been a paparazzi. Then I wouldn't have given a thought about her.

Why is my heart doing a somersault inside my chest every time when she comes closer to me? Why is it beating so hard as if it would fall out any second?

I believe everything happens for a  reason. This also might be for a reason. I should accept it, if it is decided beforehand.

I like to be happy and being with her gives me happiness.

Maybe...maybe is it because I've fallen for her?

Realization hit me. It is not maybe.

It is-" I've fallen for her."

Yes, I'm in love with her.

I don't want to be like all those romantic novel heroes who takes literally a millennium to realize they have fallen for their girl. I'm brave enough to acknowledge my feelings. And I don't regret it a bit.

I felt goosebumps all over me when the thought passed over me. I had caged the beautiful lady inside my heart. I won't let her go. Never ever I'll let her go.

I took out my phone and dialed her.

"Hey." Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hi Diya. Where are you?"


"Oh! Can you come to my house?" I blurted out.

"Huh, why?"

"Um...b-because you....because you...hmm... Yeah! You have to return the money for the dress right?

Gosh!! I would have sounded like a stingy old miser. Are you even fit to have a girlfriend?

"Oh! Umm... Actually I think it will be very expensive. Right now I don't have so much money. But trust me I'll give it back later."

Go Rishab. Go bang yourself on a wall and die ok? You are such a party pooper.

"Diya, you still think of me as a stranger right? Did I ask you to return it in the form of money? I don't want your money, because I've more than enough,Diya. But I want something else that only you can give me. That is worth more than money. I want that only. Will you give me?"

Did I make a mistake? It was too sudden I believe. She would have been startled. First I asked her to return the money and second I told I didn't ask for money but something else. I don't think I'll have a good impression on Rishab if I were to be Diya.

"Huh? W-what is it?"

"I-I mean, um.... Diya I feel lonely. I don't have many friends because I couldn't maintain them because of my busy schedules. This celebrity life has separated me from normal people. There will be ego problems when I mingle with them,which I can't help. But you are so different Diya, no one can find any mistake in you. My mind says there will be no issues when we get along. I'm fed up,you know. There are few friends but I can't expect them to come whenever I want when I refuse to go when they call. It is boring to be alone always. If you come here, I won't feel lonely. There is no one else I could ask this help. I want a company. Will you come?" I spoke honestly.

"Rishab, I understand. I know how annoying it is to be alone. Why do you worry when Diya is there? I can erase all your worries in no time at all. Just don't think of all these nonsense now. I'm sure we can have fun. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Bye."

No Diya. I won't worry.  After knowing you are there for me, I won't worry ever in my life.

"Rishab don't fly immediately, may be she was trying to be friendly with you. Don't assume and start floating in the air." My inner voice warned.

Ten minutes later I heard the door bell ring.

My Diya is super fast.

I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs to open the door. My eyes were dying to see her.

I opened the door swiftly and found it wasn't Diya.

It was.... It was Shreya.

A/nhey all;)

Who is this shreya?😱

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