“I’m not.” I lie. I can’t show that I’m weak, especially towards Harry. No fucking way, I’m going to show that I’m fine, that I can be without him and that I’m not jealous, because there’s no need to be, because we are not a thing.

“You are.” He chuckles “You are so mad and you’re jealous of her!” is this funny to him? ‘cuz he doesn’t stop laughing. I roll my eyes and take another shot. She’s so rich that even hired a bartender. “Don’t drink too much.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.” I snap

“Do you want to get drunk again?” Hell no. I want to be sober tonight, but is the nerves that are making me to drink now. If I don’t drink I’ll punch Harry in the face. “Thought so.” He says when I give up on asking for another one.

“Is this amusing you?” I dare to ask

“Yes.” He simply answers with a smirk on his face. The Harry from the campus is back.

“Fucking jerk.” I buff

“Lou…” he punches me in the arm slightly and I count to three “C’mon ask me what is going on between me and Rachel.”

“I am in no position to ask you that. You do whatever you want to. You be with whoever you want to.” I lie. It’s all a lie, but I’m starting to be too attached to him and then it happens things like this one.

He laughs but ends up saying “It was a misunderstanding.” My ass it was. Okay calm down Louis “I don’t want you to think the wrong idea.” He sounds more serious this time. I look at him and this time with no frown nor a mad face “We were just having a chat,” of course “and she told me she missed me and told me that when I left to London she still had feelings for me.” I don’t really want to know this things to be honest. He doesn’t own me any explanation, I don’t know why I am acting this way. Fuck Louis you’re just so confused “But it was better this way because she managed to forget about us. I forgot as well, because of many reasons.” He smiles and I don’t get the reason why “We’re only friends Louis. We just missed each other so it kinda ended up like that.” Oh. He’s not lying. I know he’s not. They’re probably good friends for what Anna told me about them so… Ugh Louis you’re so stupid.

“Okay.” I answer and he makes the same expression that he did when I answered the same thing when he said he and Rachel were only friends. I think I’m just saying this to show that he doesn’t need to explain me anything, because we’re just friends.


“Okay, I’m sorry.” I don’t even know the reason why I am apologizing “I got it.” he chuckles and I shake my head

“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” He teases

“Shut up. I wasn’t jealous.” I protest and when he tries to put his arm around my shoulders with the same smirk, to mock me even more, I pull him away “You’re so annoying” I make my best not to laugh by his laughter and face expression.

“Hi!” a voice interrupts us and when I follow it, Rachel is right in front of me. “You two seem really entertained!”

“Now we’re not because you just interrupted us” I say. But just in my head so no one can hear it. I really need to stop hating on people who are nice to me. “Hey!” I say instead in the most normal tone I could manage to do and Harry burst into laughter, making me want to slap him.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about the joke Louis told me.” He says and subtlety is not with Harry Styles.

“I love jokes can you tell it again.” Yes Harry, can I?

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