Chapter Thirteen

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The next few weeks pass in a blur. I meet up with Delaine in the library every day to train, and as soon as I've mastered something, I teach it to Majhul and the others.

Calling Nodanna by her real name has taken some getting used to. Jacobi still hasn't found anything on Majhul and Ana.

Delaine is still scouring the volumes in the library, but she's also yet to find anything on the portals to the Shadowlands.

It's early one morning when things start to change. Before I've even left Jacobi's current hideout, Delaine calls us both to the library.

A young girl, barely fourteen in human years is with her, along with an older man who I assume is her father.

"This is Slestiya and Wesley," Delaine introduces. "Wesley has decided to send Slestiya to Earth to protect her."

I take a long look at Slestiya. Vivid blue eyes and dark blue hair bring out pale skin. Her face is delicate with the high cheekbones and slightly uptilted eyes I've discovered are a trait of morphlings.

The most striking thing about her, though, is the fear in her eyes.

My hand automatically goes to my stomach. I can't even begin to imagine the choice her father is making, and I'm relieved I never had to make that choice with Seresin.

"Does he understand the ritual and risks?" Jacobi questions.

Delaine nods.

Wesley speaks up. "It's the only chance to save her."

"Then it shall be done," Delaine states as a small ritual knife materializes in her hand. "I am going to take a lock of Slestiya's hair to give to Noera. She will find her once the spell is complete." She cuts off the lock of hair and hands it to me. "Tracking spells are not difficult and the ritual takes time. When the last candle has died, then this ritual is complete."

With a wave of her hand, ten black pillar candles light around a circle marked with runes. The runes are old and look as if they've been there awhile. I briefly wonder if it's the same circle used to send me to Earth.

Slestiya is given a potion to drink and told to lie down on the runes. Delaine makes two small incisions on Slestiya's skin, one on her temple and the other between her collarbones. Similar cuts are made on her father.

Delaine speaks in a language I do not understand, and as she does, a cold wind begins to swirl around the library, purple mist settling over top of Slestiya and her father.

Electricity fills the air.

The girl and her father disappear.

Delaine stops speaking.

The wind dies down but the electricity stays.

"Wesley should return before the last candle dies."

"And if he doesn't?"

Delaine sighs heavily. "In that case, he would be trapped between the realms."

A gasp escapes me.

"It is a risk he was willing to take."

I nod slowly.

"As I said, tracking spells are quite easy. You simply hold the connection - the lock of hair - burn this candle--" She hands me a pale blue candle with some kind of rune carved into it, "--and simply focus on finding the girl. When the candle dies, you will see where she is and will be able to retrieve her."

"Retrieve her?" I parrot.

"Yes. You need to find her before she is found as you were so she may stay with other morphlings until we find the portals."

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