Chapter Five

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My plane lands at one in the morning local time. The passengers stumble off of the plane tiredly and go to collect their luggage. I didn't bring anything other than a single carry-on full of clothes and the two books Majhul gave me.

It's almost two by the time I get through customs and am able to catch a cab to a nearby motel.

It's a well-kept place, albeit shabby, with a matronly woman behind the front desk and approximately two dozen rooms, all with outdoor access.

"How long do you plan on stayin', love?" The woman asks as she hands over a room key.

"Don't know yet."

"Your accent is just beautiful. Where are you from?"

I smile and explain that I grew up in West Bengal and moved to America as a teenager.

"Have a good night, Ms. Doe."

"You too, ma'am."

With that, I start on up the stairs to the second floor. The room is small, with a large back window overlooking the parking lot. White sheets and a tired brown blanket cover the bed, and a television and phone are opposite. The bathroom is tiny, with a stand-in shower, toilet, and small sink.

Although shabby, the room is clean and in good condition.

"Jacobi?" I reach out again, but he doesn't respond. "Please talk to me. I want to learn."

I shake my head when it becomes obvious that I won't be hearing from him again tonight. Letting out a sigh, I pull one of the books from my duffle and take a seat on the bed.

I reach out to him another handful of times throughout the night while reading a book on telepathy, but I still don't hear back.

For some strange reason, I want so badly to hear his voice again. I want him to talk to me. I want to see him. I want to be around him.

"Please, Jacobi," I beg one final time before stretching out on the bed to get some sleep.

It's icy cold here. Snow flurries dance in the brittle air. The horses stamp at the frozen ground, sending chunks of ice and dirt flying into the air.

I pull my cloak tighter around my body with my free hand.

"We'll stop for the night soon, love," Jacobi reassures, glancing over at me from his own horse.


It's another long half hour trek through this frozen forest before we finally hop down from our horses. My teeth are chattering as I tend to the horses. The baby moves inside my stomach, and I find myself hating what she's being put through. I can feel that it's a girl, and the only thing that would make me happier is if I wasn't running for my life.

"You alright, Noera?" Jacobi queries, taking my hands in his own.

I nod and move to sit before the fire he's made. "Just thinking about the baby," I murmur.

"Worried about her?"

"Yes. This is too much for a baby not yet born. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. But we don't have a choice." I swipe a stray tear from my face. "We have no choice but to put the baby through this because we know how much worse it would be for her to be born in an asylum."

"I know, love, I know," Jacobi soothes as he takes me into his arms and holds me tightly. "I'll find a way to save you both. I promise..."

And with that, the dream fades away, and I awake with tears running down my face.

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