Chapter Three

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When we get back to the house, Ana and I drop my belongings - encased in two suitcases and one plastic bin - onto my bedroom floor and step upstairs into the loft.

It's a cozy room, with dark red walls and dark hardwood floors. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves are against every single inch of wall space, and an overstuffed red imitation leather living set fills the center of the room. A mahogany coffee table is before the sofa, and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling. There's a desk underneath the solitary window, the only space without a bookcase, and an abstract patterned rug under the living set.

Nodanna and Majhul are already up here, conversing quietly.

"...think she's more powerful than us?" Nodanna queries in a whisper.

"I don't know, Nodanna."

"Her mark is so much darker, and she holds so much...command."

"Let's not discuss this now," Majhul states with finality. "We'll not know until she's been trained, so I suggest you stop making assumptions."


Ana and I take seats in two of the armchairs.

Majhul nods at us in turn.

"Namahina remembered something," Ana blurts out.

Majhul arches a brow. "Oh?"

I quickly describe the memory that had appeared back at the group home.

The eldest of us turns to the youngest. "I think you may be right, Nodanna."

"What do you mean?" I demand in a whisper.

"In your memory," Majhul begins to explain, "You showed use of three different types of magic: storm, earth, and fire. You also showed an instinctive fighting skill that I've not seen out of either of the others."

"What does that mean?"

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "It means that you are very powerful. You see, storm magic in and of itself is powerful. We have control of two elements as well as raw power and electricity. In my opinion, to add another two elements into the mix takes even more power.

"And to make matters even more complicated, you also have physical skills that are instinctive. Yes, we all have some instinctive physical skills, especially with self-defense, but none quite like you've described in your memory. I'd like to start you off training as soon as possible."

I nod.

"Come, we should start."

She stands, grabs a book off of one of the shelves, and leads me down to the cellar.

We spend hours down there.

Mostly, Majhul has me study a book of spells and incantations associated with storm magic. She also tests me physically and mentally, looking for something to hint at the memory.

By the time we make our way back upstairs for dinner, I am exhausted.

I barely make it through dinner before falling asleep.

My dreams are tormented by images.

The girl, floating in the pool.

Her killer.

Running down endless gray corridors.

Being tripped by that vine.

And then, it stops, and I'm laughing with him. He's saying something, and then his eyes darken as he pulls me into a closet. His hand covers my mouth and he pulls me tight against him.

When he finally releases me, I ask what just happened.

"They're after us, Noera."


"Remarta's men. You've heard the edicts, no?"

I nod.

He lets out a deep sigh. "We're wanted, Noera."

Tears pool in my eyes. For the first time since the soldiers came marching through Asiig, I'm realizing just how much danger I'm in. So is he.

If they find us, we'll be carted off to an asylum.

"What now?"

He takes in a breath and glances around us. "Now, we run, my love."

I bolt upright in bed, lightning sizzling between my fingers.

What was that?

I stare down at my hands and attempt to calm myself down. The dream felt so real, and I could still feel the terror.

Who is he?

Who is Noera?

Why does the name feel so familiar to me? It's like a word on the tip of my tongue that I just can't find.

I go to the plastic bin of items I brought back and fish through it until my hand closes around a leather-bound book. I pull it and a pin out of the box and flip the light on.

The faded brown walls and worn-out hardwood floors are illuminated in warm light. I take a seat on the bed and begin to detail the dream in my journal. I describe every detail that I remember in hopes of it one-day making sense to me.

Closing my journal, I grab my sketchbook and start drawing. I need to commit these dreams to memory. I need a record of them. I need a way to revisit them later on.

I felt something so strongly for him in the dream. I can't even begin to describe exactly what I felt, but I know it was there.

But why did he kill me? Well, Noera.

Why did he murder Noera?

That question plagues me the entire time I'm drawing. All I can think of is him and the possible reasons why he killed her -- me.

"Who are you?" I demand in a whisper, stroking my fingers over his face.

The sun is starting to rise when I finally look up from my sketchbook.

I'm still tired, but I know that I won't be getting any more sleep. I head to the kitchen for some coffee and breakfast, my mind still focused on the dream.

Where is Asiig?

Who is Remarta?

"You're awake early, no?" Nodanna queries as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

"Couldn't sleep."

She nods and takes a seat beside me.

"I've had those nights, too. That's not why I'm awake, though. I just wake up early," she chatters on.

I smile softly at her. She's so young, but I can tell she's had a rough life. Part of me is curious about her, but another part of me doesn't want to know.

I don't think I can handle learning about someone else's abuse right now.

"Nodanna," I begin, "Do you ever have weird dreams about other people and places?"

She nods slowly, taking a sip of her coffee. "Yes. I dream often about a girl named Daniya. She is afraid for her life, afraid that Remarta's men will find her and take her to the asylum."

My eyes widen in shock just as a gasp escapes my lips. I can't help but draw parallels to my own dream and Noera's fear. "I dream of someone named Noera. She's also scared she'll be found by Remarta's men and taken to an asylum. Is there a man with Daniya?"

"Yes. She feels very strongly for him. Sometimes she wonders if he is to be her imprint, whatever that is."

"Noera is with a man. I don't understand her feelings for him, but it is something much stronger than what we feel for people."

Nodanna nods slowly. "I wonder who she is."

"Me too." 

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