Chapter Seven

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"What happened, Nama?" Ajana asks softly, taking a seat and taking a sip from her mug of tea.

I let out a sigh. I twist my own mug around and around in my hands. I still can't wrap my mind around what happened when I was in the bookstore. I can't even begin to understand how I wound up with Jacobi, wherever that was.

"Namahina?" She prods.

"I'm not exactly sure. I was fine one second, and all of a sudden I was so scared; I felt like I was being chased. So, I called out to Jacobi -- I don't know why -- and then I got even more scared when he didn't answer at first."

Ajana nods.

"He wanted me to give him some of my energy so that he could hide better, and somehow I ended up somewhere else, wherever he was, and I just knew exactly how to help him escape. Hiding him and running with him felt so familiar, like something I've done before. And then he told me to come back here so that I could be safe."

"Fascinating," she murmurs, tracing a finger around the edge of her mug. "You told me that all of the other girls remember people they are in love with killing them?"

I nod.

"That's another thing I'm curious about. I don't have that type of memory, Nama. I wasn't in love with him. I cared for him, but not in that way. I think he was my brother."

I chew on my lower lip in thought. "It could just be that you didn't have an imprint or prospective imprint yet," I muse.

"I don't know, Nama. It's kind of weird that you three have no discrepancies, but I do."

"Not exactly, Ajana. Nodanna wasn't imprinted yet. I don't think it's about imprints or lovers. I think it is about people who cared for us trying to save us."


Ajana's husband, Xander, walks into the room and sits beside her. "How ya feelin', Namahina?" He questions.

"Better. Thanks for letting me stay here."

"A friend of 'Jana's is a friend of mine." He wraps an arm around Ajana. "So, Lousiana, eh?"

I can't place his accent, and I'm beginning to think that he doesn't have a set homeland, that he's lived all over, just like Ajana has.


"You don't sound Southern."

Ajana snorts. "Xander!"


"That's rude," she chides.

"It's alright," I cut in, "I'm from India, same as Ajana."

He nods. "Well, anyway, I'm right fascinated by the whole nafetza thing. I'm perfectly alright with going to Louisiana to help you ladies learn about our origins."

"The what thing?" I blurt.

"Being nafetza, unnamed."

"How do you know what nafetza means?" I ask.

"Show her, Xander," Ajana instructs.

Xander begins to unbutton his shirt. My eyes widen in shock as he reveals a similar mark to those on me, Ajana, Anaithnid, Nodanna, and Majhul.

"You're unnamed too," I breathe.

He nods. "I have a name because I was adopted immediately. I've lived nearly everywhere, but London is my favorite so far."

"We both love to travel," Ajana remarks.

"Wow," I let out.

"Anyway, I think you need to rest, Nama."

Ajana takes the now-empty mug from my hands and heads toward the corridor.

"I think I'll head back to my hotel."

She nods and gives me a quick squeeze. "We'll find someone to take over the store while we're gone and head to Louisiana as soon as we can. Shouldn't take too long; we've done so before in a matter of weeks."

"Sounds good."

"Stop by before you leave London."

"I will."

I quickly make my way out of the apartment and catch a cab back to my little hotel. The proprietor greets me with a smile when I pass.

"How's the city treating you?" She questions conversationally.

"I definitely like it here. Quite different from Louisiana, that's for sure."

"I'm glad, love. Have a nice evening."

"You too."

With that, I head on up to my room and stretch out on the bed.

"Jacobi?" I reach out.

"Yes, Noera?"

My heart skips a beat at his voice. "I miss you," I blurt out.

Why did I say that?

What was I thinking?

"I miss you too, Noera," Jacobi responds quietly.

"I want to see you again."

It's a long few minutes before he replies. "How did you come here earlier?" He finally asks.

"I just focused on your face, and all of a sudden you were right in front of me."

"Hmm. What were you thinking about?"

I take a moment to think about everything that was going on in my head in that moment. "I was worried about you. And then I could see you so clearly in my mind, and then next I knew, I was with you."

"Hold on, Noera." He's silent for a while, and just when I think I'm not going to hear from him anymore tonight, he speaks again. "I don't know how you did it. Try to do it again."

I take a deep breath and call an image of his face to mind. My heart races as I think of the possibility of seeing him again. I want to be there with him so badly that it almost physically hurts.

And then, I see him, laying on an old rusty bed in a musty room, staring up at the ceiling.

"Noera," he breathes, roaming his eyes over me.

"Jacobi," I let out.

He takes in a shaky breath and stands up from the rickety old bed. I take a few steps closer to him.

It feels so surreal to be here with him. Time seems to stand still as he closes the distance between us and pulls me into his arms. His lips press against mine, and I lose all perception of anything other than Jacobi Clauson.


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