The past of Toboe

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( Alright in this chapter I am going to be giving you all a background story of Toboe. Note this is what Toboe life after his family died. I have to do this chapter since in a later chapter it will help explain what's going on.)

Toboe P.O.V ( note this is when Toboe was around 5 years old)

Why did they have to die. Why we didn't do anything to them never had we attacked them.  Most of the rouges join our pack. We accepted them and what they attached us. Cause of them I lost my family my dad my papa. Now look where I am in a place that I don't know. Watching the fire and smoke fly into the air.

Seems like everything is falling down around me. I wished I went with them to paradise. We could of still been a pack a family. The night sky was still falling onto me for what seems forever. I should start walking again. But what's the point I don't know where I am even going.

There is the eastern wolf pack. But they wouldn't help me since if I told them about the rouges. Ugh where can I even go. All packs would tell me to leave. I can understand though who wants a kid who pack died. They would be afraid that they would go after them next.

There only one pack I know would accept me. Except Dad said never to go to them. Said they didn't get along since of old blood. Never knew why though maybe after all these years they would accept me. But I don't even know where the Hale pack is at all.

The worst part is its getting closer to winter. And I really don't know how long I will survive in this clothing. Its not really suited to the winter. Looking down I was wearing jeans and a blue short sleeve T-shirt.

I wish dad gave me some cloths in this backpack. The only thing in it was some money a picture of all of us. A map water matches a knife but no clothing. 

"Wow dad you couldn't pack me cloths." I said to the air hoping he could hear me up there. Papa would smack him for this. I bet then hug him to death. Laughing to myself about that wonderful thought.

I stood up and stopped the fire by poring some of the water on it. I wasn't going to stomp at it I learned that the hard way. Poor Uncle Sam he ran on top of the fire to get it to stop.  He was burned and told me to never do what he did.

Ugh I can fell it starting to get cold already. Maybe if I shift I could keep warmth until I hit a town. Packing up everything I shifted into my wolf form. Now here is the real  problem I am so small in this form. Like a puppy how will I carry this bag. Ugh I did not think this through did I. Putting the bag in my mouth I tried picking it up. But failed ugh this is harder than I though. So instead of trying to run with it. I dragged it through the woods slowly hoping not to brake it.


I heard that sound making me snap my head. Standing behind me was a man with a gun pointing at me. Oh come on the moment I turn into a wolf a hunter has to be here. Before he got the chance of pulling the trigger I ran. Leaving the bag behind its not worth it. Not worth it I said running faster. As I heard the gun shots behind me over and over again.

Come on come on you can make this Toboe. Running and turning in every direction trying to escape this man. Ugh keep going Toboe keep going. Then gun shots kept getting louder every second I could tell he was close behind me now. 

When will this guy give up already I surprise he been running this long behind me. I was coming up to this hill. Oh gosh please Lord help me right now. Running up it I saw there was a river underneath it. I turned around only to find the man with the gun right in front of me.

I began to back a few steps when I felt the edge. Oh come on I said looking back between them. The guy held his gun at me. Before I knew it I heard the should of a bullet with me falling into the river. As I hit the water I felt as if I was hit by a brick. I was drowning almost I kept getting little air. But the river was going to fast. Please this better not be the death of me.

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