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(I'm fucking back! And damn! Does it feel awesome! Anyways, I've changed my mind! I will continue!)

Tom tried to make it past the human who just glared at him with so much that it was almost to much. He tried to push Marco aside who just pushed him back in response. Then when he tried picking up the brunette and hoisted him over his shoulder, he received a kick in the stomach. He let out a small gasp of breath as he almost dropped the human who seemed to climb on top of him as he now laid on the ground. He looked at the other straddling his waist, but it only have him thoughts that made him blush a little. Finally, Tom decided to do something.
He pulled himself up and sat there, looking into Marco's eyes. They just stayed like for a long time before Marco neared his face, their noses touching as Tom could feel the others sweet breath before he finally spoke. "I told you not to touch her things and the first thing you do is go try mess with it. I let you in cause I thought--! I thought I could trust you and, and --!" Marco stopped finally, his eyes starting to tear up as he began to blink rapidly, taking in deep breaths as he began to blabber. "I- I- I thought that. . . I thought th-at, that I c-c-could trust yo-u! I thought that you, you would be-believe me and, and you would understand!" The Latino teenager finally sputtered out, gasping as he now shook, his hands dig in to his hair as be tugged at it. He oswd his eyes shut and took a deep breath before exhaling sneakily and letting out a broken sob. His eyes clenched and be began to cry, tears spilling out non-stop as his hands feel from his head to his face to wipe away tears before giving up and going to rub his arms. The brunette shook his head as he could feel the others gaze on him, feeling stupid for crying.
Tom just sat there surprised. He had something that was so special and rare and beautiful but he kept messing up. He watched in panic and surprise as the small male say on him, bawling his eyes out. But the demon could care less, he just slowly watched and reacted but he was only pulled out of daze when Marco fell into his chest, banging his head against him. Tom then hugged the brunette, feeling him shake harder, his cries getting louder but were now muffled. Tom only say there, hugging the human and rocking them together. He felt the other ease and quiet down, clinging to him. "I think that's enough of a emotional time for today. It'stime fire bed now. Come on Marco." Tom whispered, bundling up the brunette and carrying him away but not without a second glance at the magic mirror.
Tom walked to the room and noticed how the others parents weren't home yet and proceeded on his way. He opened the door and slid in quietly, setting the other on the bed who was reluctant on letting go with his strong grip. As he tried to her away, Marco just seemed to whimper and whine.
He let out a chuckle, climbing into the bed and pulling the covers over them, scooting closer to the other. He listened to Marco who let out a yawn and relax before beginning tho let out small snores.

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