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(Guys, I think that video is so cute! It's funny cause I was listening to the song, not that specific one but still and I think it's just kinda related to the story when I made it. And I found this song after making it so I was 'oh my glob! It's a fucking sign! Put it on the chapter! Quick!' Pft! I feel stupid now but oh well. When don't I?)

Tom laughed himself. "Yep. I beat you to it. First place and still holding the record." Tom annouced, puffing out his chest as if in pride. Marco giggled, shoving him away. "Better watch out 'cause I'm coming in close." Tom watched Marco laughing his head off, causing the demons heart to flutter. "But... what did Star say?" The demon asked, causing the room to go silent. Marco sighed in defeat finally, standing up. He walked over to the sword, picking it up as he cleared his throat. "She said that... that Toffee's  back. He was a a type of lizard monster working with another bad monster named Ludo who was like a bird. At first, me and Star thought he wanted the wand. It seemed he wanted it really bad because he even kidnapped me and demanded Star to bring it if she came to rescue me. But in the end... he told her to kill or destroy it. It pained her to. She risked it all and there was a huge explosion killing him." Tom watched Marco looking up with a longing look. "He was bad news him. Apparently, Ludo had found the other half of Star's broken star piece that belongs to her wand. It was stuck on a rock and it was being held by and skeleton hand missing a finger. Well, it took over Ludo and now it's Toffee in Ludo's body or whatever. And she told me... she had a crush on me. She said that she ignored it and hoped that it would go away but it didn't and she thought I should know before she left Earth." Marco said, grabbing the sword as if ready to battle. "What are you doing with that?" Tom asked, pointing a finger towards the weapon. "Just keeping it by my side to protect me against you if you suddenly attack, upset how I 'drove' Star away and because she likes me." The brunette shrugged. Tom laughed as this, standing up and stretching. "That's smart but don't worry, I'm not going to. I just came to check on her. I found it suspicious how she didn't answer me in any way. I kinda just realized something though." Tom informed watching Marco let out a sigh of relief, setting the sword back on the ground before crossing his arms. "Really? What's that?" The brunette asked, almost eager. "Nothing that really matters." Marco just nodded before letting out another sigh, looking at his watch. "What is it? And when did you get a watch?" The demon questioned, the brunette headed towards the door. "Tom?" Marco began, receiving a hum in acknowledgment. "Why do you act like you've known me my whole life and know I don't usually wear watches? I mean you weren't exactly there so you wouldn't really know." Marco snapped, causing the demon to be taken by suprise a bit. He laughed out with a huff. "Woah! Where did that come from? I thought we were on good terms now. At least, we were good for the moment. What happened? We were just bonding!" The demon said, following Marco out the room and downstairs. "Yeah I know and sorry but not anymore. I mean, I guess back then I would love to bond and get on good terms but not now, not at the moment." Marco mumbled, suddenly slouching over and his hands on his pockets. "Why?" The demon argued, earning a shrug. "I'm busy." "Doing what? I didn't exactly see you busy a while ago." "That was a while ago and I lost track of time." Tom groaned at their conversation, or more like argument. "What are busy doing then? Maybe we could hangout later?" Shake of a head. "Tomorrow?" Shake of a head. "Then when?" A hum of uncertainty. "I don't know, you'll just have to come by whenever you can and see if I'm free then." Tom smiled at this. "Great! I'm free any time any day!" Tom exclaimed. "Yes, okay, sure. You might be but, hah! Certainly not me. That's the problem there, that's the big problem here. I don't know when I'll ever be free." This was the demons turn to slouch and pout, suddenly finding himself downstairs. He followed the brunettes every movement as Marco was all over the place. He walked back and forth in the living room, picking things up and such and returning them to their places. "Then... can I stay here and sleep? Just to, you know, find out whenever you're actually free?" Tom was hopeful. "Uh, yeah. Sure I guess, I'll have to ask my parents later. But like I said, I'm busy now." Tom nodded with a smile and just followed Marco around most of the day.
His happy smile slowly turned into a slight frown, his once relaxed eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes that were calm were now bright and moved constantly. Marco barely said a word, just a simple 'excuse me' or 'sorry' and sometimes a 'thanks'.
Him and the brunette were in the kitchen, the last place. He sat on the counter, watching Marco fuss about something to himself, mumbling. "Marco?" The called teen jumped, surprised and let out a little laugh. "Sorry, still kinda used to not really having company anymore." Tom just smiled nervoulsy and nodded. "What's after this?" The demon asked, watching Marco shrug and look around. "Well, the kitchen is the last place, so... not much. All I have to do is clean the counters, wash dishes, and prepare dinner!" He smile, looking up to the demon with hopeful eyes. "Aren't you tired?" "What do you mean?" Tom remained silent after Marco's reply, or more like question instead. He watched the brunette still, almost waltzing about the place cleaning before he stopped to wash the dishes, tapping his foot and humming. Tom smilled widely, knowing the song. He jumped down and held a hand to the brunette who turned to him in curiosity, turning off the water and drying his hands as he completed the task. "Can I have this dance?" Tom asked in a fake fancy tone and smile that caused Marco to laugh, placing his hand on the others. "Of course."  Marco said, one hand in the demons waiting palm as the other went on Tom's shoulder. The demon also placing his other hand on the brunettes waist, pulling him close. They only spun around slowly, swaying back and forth. Tom began to sing the words softly into Marco's ear. "Wise men say... only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? ... Would it be a sin? If I can't help, falling in love with you? Like a river flows, shorely to the sea. Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be." Tom stopped to pull away a bit to see Marco's smiling face before continuing. The circles they went in going larger and a bit faster as they began to make their way out of the kitchen slightly. "Take my hand, take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you." Tom sang a bit more before pulling away, his other hand leaving it's content place on the brunettes waist to grab Marco's hand off his shoulder, he spun Marco around more. The brunette ended up against the demons chest as their arms crossed in front of him, still swaying slightly Marco began to sing instead. "Like a river flows, shorely to the sea. Darling so it goes, some things were meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you. Cause I can't help falling in love with you." Marco looked up, smiling at the demon. "But I can't help falling in love with you." Tom sang. Suddenly the front door opened and Marco jumped in surprise as he remembered, quickly pulling away from the demon and rushing to the kitchen. "How could I forget?!" He squeaked to himself, rummaging through the whole place, opening the cabinets and pulling out pots and pans and spoons. He then made his way to the fridge, spotting a note he quickly read and rolled his eyes, throwing it behind and looking in the appliance. Tom grabbed the small piece of yellow paper, reading it. It seemed to be in four parts the demon noticed.
'Good Morning hijo! Your Mother and I decided to have pancakes for breakfast after last night's dinner.
          -Your Father'
Tom wince at this, glancing up quickly and back down.
'Marco! Your Father and I think we're going to have sandwiches for lunch! Thank you mi amor, we love you!
Tom glance up once more and long enough to watched Marco set something in a pot full of water before looking back down.
'Marco! It's me once again! I had gotten back from grocery shopping and I found you upstairs in you know who's room with a demon! I want to know all the details later at dinner! Don't worry, I put up the things and made lunch for us.
         -love Mom.'
Tom stopped and took a good minute watching Marco looking though the cabinets again, mumbling to himself with furrowed eyebrows, eyes glaring. The demon realized that the brunette now wore an apron and oven mitts on one hand, causing a smile to barely make its way on his face. He looked back down, hesitant to read the last part.
'From Dad, Marco, me and your Mother are going out and we'll be back around '8! We'll like spaghetti for cena!'
Tom finally dropped his arm holding the note, ears back slightly, mouth hanging open as if to say something. He couldn't help it. He wondered how it'd be at dinner now, considering the note seemed bad enough. As if they forced him to cook for them. Marco had almost ran into him but was quick enough to stop, giving a apologetic and nervous smile before he passed by, plates and silverware in hand. He set the table as his parents sat on the couch, watching television. Marco also set out out cups and napkins.
About an hour later, Marco had everything cooked and prepared, setting everything at the table as his parents made their way over there, taking their seat. Tom watched from the kitchen as Marco made his way back, sighing with exhaustion as he sat besides the demon who sat at the bar. Marco seemed to be dozing off until the demon shook him awake. "Marco, you should probably go to sleep." Tom suggested but only received a shake of the others head. "No. I still have to stay up and clean those dishes and save the left over food and we still have to ask my parents about you staying over. Besides, it's fine. I can stay up a little longer, no problem, not like it's a big deal. I stay up until '7 once with Star but alone, only '3 because I didn't finish cleaning." The brunette murmured, waving it away as if nothing.
"Good night Marco!" Came his Father's voice causing the brunette to be awaken suddenly, pulling the demon with him. "Mom! Dad! Can Tom start staying over nights, he's a new exchange student?" He asked, pointing a finger towards the demon. "Of course Marco, why didn't you tell us before?!" His Mother smiled before turning back and heading back to the room with her husband, not waiting on the her son's reply. Tom smiled himself and heard brunette muttering something along the lines of 'because you weren't here and I was to busy'. He turned his head to look at Marco by his side only to find him gone. Looking back at the table, he saw him picking up the plates in piles before placing them in the sink.
Tom sat for another few minutes as Marco cleaned up after that nights dinner before he walked over to the brunette who was standing over the sink. "Marco?" Tom called, tapping his shoulder. Marco looked up sleepily, before being jerked awake as he let out a squeak, Tom swiping him off his feet. He carried the exhausted brunette to his room before setting him on the bed. He was about to leave when Marco grabbed his wrist, keeping him in place. "I thought you were going to stay." "I was but I don't have anywhere to sleep so I'm going home. You need sleep." The demon said. "You too. Just sleep here." The brunette said, pulling him into the bed. Tom chuckled as he felt Marco snuggle into him almost immediately.

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