that greek goddess tagged me

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I got tagged by artemis912, thank you, baby blue.

Name: Kisdi Janka, with Kisdi being my last name, and Janka meaning Johanna. Also, the 'j' is pronounced as a 'y'. And the 's' is a 'sh'.

Birthday & Age: February 8. And my chinese zodiac sign is the goat.

What I Look Like: Like my brother, but softer. :D I don't know, i actually had to look in a mirror. :P My face is oval shaped or what, my eyes are green and my eyesight is poor, so GLASSES, my eyebrows are like a forest you don't wanna get lost in, and they're shaped like Bob Dylan's, also, my hair is a Bob Dylan-kind of hair, but just because it's permed. In 2017. Yay. And my nose is a good nose. I like it.
I'm 5'4, and i dress like i'm stuck between the '60s and '70s.

Favourite Food: Still cheese on toast, i don't know. I like all kinds of fish.

Music Taste: This is a trip to my SD-Card, where i keep my music, so.
My favourite bands, in some sort of order, but not necessarily, because it's always changing, so currently how i am with them:
1. Traveling Wilburys
2. Bob Dylan & The Band
3. Queen
4. The Beatles (never thought they'd go this low in this order)
5. The Who
6. The Monkees
7. Pink Floyd and The Kinks, dontwannadecidebetweenthem
8. David Bowie and hungarian Bob Dylan, named Cseh Tamás

So, i like rock, in that, my favourite kind of rock is folk rock, but right after that comes progressive rock and rock and roll, so it's depending on my mood. It's just that baby, i'm always in the mood for some folk rock, and if i hear one folk rock song, it can put me in the mood. So.

General Attitude Towards Life: Actually, once two wise men said that "oh, dear, what can i do", and another wise man said that "I hope i die before i get old", and that's pretty much it. I like living, but... But. Just... Let something happen. It's going to the end of the line, and something will happen. Get the potatoes, be careful, something will happen.

Picture of myself: You don't want that.

Favourite colors: The cold ones.

Favourite place to go: Actually, i don't have any specific favourite place to go. I like to take walks alone or be at home. Also, there's a Beatles Museum a few towns and 2 hours of driving away, i like to go there, too. It's magnificent, and EVERYTHING IS BEATLES. Great. Beautiful. Breath-taking.

Where I Am Right Now: At the bench of my piano, if i turn around, i can practice right now, but first, i wanna do this.

Top Three Goals:

1. Learning english properly
2. Becoming a rheumatologist
3. Making others' lives easier with point 2. and politeness.

Interesting facts:

I know that people are in desperate need of listening, and i try my best, but at the same time, i like when nobody's talking to me.

I just spent half an hour on a Liszt piece on the piano (yeah, i didn't finish this), and my hands hurt.

When i tell a joke, i'm the one who laughs the loudest, well, most of the time i'm the only one who laughs. More often than not, people won't even notice when i tell a joke, because my humour stands for not funny jokes that are told with a poker face in a situation you shouldn't tell jokes.

I sleep a lot.

I play the cello, and i'm a sucker for quartets.

I like to play in the style of Rick Wright on the piano. (He's great, ohmygawd)

I have a cat, and everytime i see her, i just go like 'look, there's a cat!'

My favourite musical is Cats. :D

I talk to myself a lot, and argue myself, and i even tried to sing with myself. Also, sometimes i imagine i'm walking beside myself.

People either hate me or like me very much, there's no in-between.

I tell about myself much more on the internet than i should.

I'll tag... Who hasn't been tagged before?
MonkeeGirl and RogerMercury (please tell me what's wrong! :c) and crackerboxbeatle.
Have funnnn

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