It's all over now, Baby Blue

24 4 6

Here we are, the Princes Of The Universe!
Day 30 - Any bloody thing i want


Erm... Yes. I'm calm now.

You know, in 1986, Queen were touring, and they came to Budapest, Hungary. The place where i live.

Here's the concert.

And, as you may know, they performed a hungarian folk-song: Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt.
This is something you sing in kindergarden, then in school, or when you travel, or when you go on holiday, or when you wander in the forest and just... this is one of the toushands and toushands of folk-songs, one that everyone knows.
And Freddie... Freddie sang it.
And his was the most soulfelt, most beautiful performace I have heard.

He's amazing. He has almost no accent, and just AGHDHHEJENJIMGONNADIEEE

When i first saw this, i wasn't yet a Queen fan. I didn't know who Brian was, i thought 'Uhm... He's the guitarist, i suppose.' But I didn't really care.
And, this year, we watched it again, and yeah... I fangirled. :D

In the background, you can see the Statue Of Liberty on the Gellért-hill, which is one thing i see everyday, and my brother is named Gellért after it, and this just all feels like... It's mine, it's ours, it's theirs, and it's everyone's who wants it.

And when they sail on the Donau, and Freddie asks if the Parlament's for sale... And i see that very Parlament that Freddie wanted to buy thirty years ago, and again, it just feels amazing.

And, you know, when they were here, everyone, i mean everyone, even the ones who didn't know who Queen were were there. If they could afford it, so poor blokes like my parent's of course weren't there. It was in the Népstadion (that place doesn't exist anymore, sadly), what's in Pest, but the ones who by accident weren't there said that it was heard in Buda, too. It was very loud.

Here's a performance of Tavaszi szél that is sung by kids and was replaced by commercials on Minimax or other TV Channels:

(Not creepy.)


About the warm-up band....

We had (have, maybe) a really famous and in fact really amazing performer here: Szikora Robi.
In the '80s, here was a crazy Robimania, kinda like the Beatlemania. He was chased and everything. :D

And he was asked if he'd be the warm-up band for Queen, and do you know what was this idiot's response? DO YOU? No? No. I'll tell you.
He said that he was a bigger star than to be anyone's warm-up band...




So, the warming up was pretty terrible and awkward, here in good ol' socialist Hungary... Eww.

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