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I got tagged by DreamerOfDreams14! By the way, your profile is awesome!

I got tagged by DreamerOfDreams14! By the way, your profile is awesome!

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2. I joined WattPad, because i wanted to read Gravity Falls AU stories. And i did.
Then i found the Beatles fanfics.
And i wanted to write my own, so Young Blood came, and i totally abandoned it.
To be honest, i have no idea how to continue it, and I'm not proud of myself one bit.
I wanted to write it because i was inspired, but now all i can do about it is to quote Pink Floyd, like the child is grown, the dream is gone, iiiiiiii-ii have become comfortably numb.

I can write dialogue now. Finally, not long ago, i learned the difference between - and –, and now i know, now i know, now i know, nowiknownowiknownowiknowuuaaahahahhnyep where should i use commas.

I have an AO3 account, too, and i upload different stories there. So my writing here hasn't changed, but there,  it may have.
And oh my hell, tomorrow they're gonna delete my 4000+ words of Bowie/Dylan bromance, so I'll have to do something about that, too.

3. Try to be what? I am!

4. I must, you say.
Well, I'll try.
No, i don't know.

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