30 Days Of Queen

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rhyebread tagged me in this challenge. Thank you so very much! It's gonna be... I don't know. I sure will do like it, how about you?

Day one: How did i get into Queen?
Ooh, story time.

It's a good thing that i actually know this. I think. Well, my dearest mum liked Queen for a pretty long time now. She likes them, yeah, been a fan since the '80s, and she adores Freddie....'s singing voice. Yeah, that. And once she showed me, at the glorious age of 8 a clip - for I Want To Break Free. (Bestmumever.) And i watched it. And i was like 'what the asparagus', and i didn't pay much attention to it. I liked the song, liked the woman with the moustache, liked the cow-costumes or so, but at the time i watched Spongebob on a daily basis, and nothing else interested me.

Then a few years passed. And once i heard Bohemian Rhapsody somewhere, and i said 'well, that's.. A... Good song.' Oh boy, was i right!
And then a little time passed again... And i wanted to hear it again... And again.. And again andagainandagain, 'til i knew the entire lyrics. I was shocked. I really didn't know how could something so beautiful exist, and i'm still wondering, and i have some sort of fear that we might lose it and never hear it again.

Then i remembered - QUEEN IS A BAND. And this is when I Want To Break Free came in once again.
I really, really, really enjoyed it. But, you know, this happened in last august. I was only listening to the Beatles, and i felt kinda bad for listening to other bands, too... (But now here i am with at least seven other bandoms... This summer changed me.)

But anyways, i fighted back the feeling of letting down my one and only loves of my life, and ah yeah, I'M FREE. (And i'm waiting for you to follow me... Yeah, at the same time i got to know the Who, and awmygash)
I killed YouTube and Wikipedia, and soon learned what i had to know. And i spent my summer inwards painting pictures on my wall and reading fanfiction, so i soon found myself searching in Tumblr, AO3 and WattPad for any Queen fics. And hey, there are some good stuff.

And i'd like to tell you, i have successfully infected someone, (or i have saved her, she was lost in the Beatles, too). I'm proud of myself.

This was the short and amusing story of how i became a Queenie.
And i'd like to tag helenabismillah , whom i have saved (be joyful, my frienndndd), if i can.

Thank you.

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