I am tagged

30 5 16

Thank you, hannahmfoley01! By the way, your profile pic is so light, it's good to look at :)

1. Favorite Song

I always say Bohemian Rhapsody, because, well, that's the best song ever, but just... Don't make me choose from the hundreds and hundreds of amazing songs!
But I'll tell you about my favorite songs from the other bands I like:

The Beatles - You're gonna lose that girl
Traveling Wilburys - 7 deadly sins
Punk Flid - See Emily play
The Who - Too much of anything (Or the entire Who's Next, I don't know, they're so goood)

2. Favorite Sport

Swimming. I'm not really good at them, as I'm kinda afraid of balls and my eyesight is worse than a bat's, but swimming is a thing I can do and i'm good at it, so it is swimming :P

3. Favorite Band

The funny thing about this is that if you ask me this half a year ago, I just yell THE BEATLES at you, but now...

Pink Floyd
The Band
The Kinks
The Merrylees
Traveling Wilburys
And I like Bob Dylan and David Bowie very much, too, but... They're not bands.
Ooh, Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Almost forgot them

4. Favorite Show

The Monkees
They're one of my favorite bands, too, but then what would I write here?
Of course, I like Sherlock and Supnat and things like that, but oh well.

5. Favorite Movie

Ooh, well, I always loved a Hard Day's Night, and
The Prestige
Any other movie with Bowie in it, as in The Man Who Fell On Earth, The Linguini Incident and Labyrinth
The Life of Brian
All we need is cash (Frickin hilarious)
Picassos Aventyr
Movies with Jim Carrey? Yep.

6. Favorite color

Black... Or cold colors. But I really don't like warm colors.

7. Favorite Food

Cheese on toast :P

8. Favorite Drink

You know, I really like water

9. Favorite Video Game

Sadly, or not, I don't play with anything. I was a Minecrafter a few years ago, but with 1.6 I stopped. And.. Club Penguin was my favorite game for a really long time, and now it's closing... so sad (that I don't remember my password and name)

10. Tag 15 people

I don't even know 15 people.

Feel free to do this!

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