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I was tagged by hannahmfoley01, thank you, dear!

I was tagged by hannahmfoley01, thank you, dear!

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5 things, 5 things...

1. I never learned english. I suppose it shows. I learn german. But i was so interested in this language, because of the Beatles, that i grabbed a dictionary, and started to translate lyrics like Love, love me do / you know i love you into a language i understood, and with time, it became easier and easier. Then. I started reading fanfics.

2. I always wanted to be an animal, but well, i never became one. But i still want to be one.

3. I am: Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Libra Rising, INFP-T (93% introverted... This is why I'm here at 3PM, when the sun is shining so beautifully), out of the 9 kinds of intelligences, my strengths are: Musical, Nature and Language Intelligence.
Now ya know the facts, right.

4. I really, like really love folk-rock, but i can listen to any kind of rock, if the time is right (for dancing in the street).

5. If i wasn't hungarian, i'd love to be british.

And an animal. :D

I tag

And i honestly don't know who wasn't tagged before. If i did or didn't tag you, I'm sorry, feel free to do it, if you want, i just wasn't really paying attention. Sorry *cries*.

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