"Well, yeah, that's what happens when temperatures drop twenty degrees out of nowhere-"

"No, I mean, like... I don't know, I just feel weird.  Like something is different."

"Well, yeah, the temper-"

"Not that, Jes!" Jade groans.  "More...spiritual."

"Oooohhh...do you think your room is haunted or something?"

"Why do you sound excited?"

"I'm not, I'm just curious," Jesy says, shrugging.  "I've never really believed in that supernatural stuff, though.  So, I don't know what you're talking about.  Probably just something up with the air unit."

"You know...now that I think about it...  Weird things have been happening in my room lately.  The lights flicker sometimes, and one time when Aaron was here my speakers turned on for no reason, and-OH!  My TV turns on randomly sometimes."

"And you haven't already called an exorcist?"

"Well, no...I haven't really thought about it until now, since you brought it up.  Plus, I'm only now getting the gut feeling."

"Hah, sucks for you.  Your room is haunted," Jesy says, teasing Jade like an older sister would.  "Your room is haunted, your room is haunted!  You're gonna get eaten by a ghost!"

"Who's getting what now?"

Both brunettes turn their attention to the door, finding their blonde bandmate finally dressed and ready, just putting in her earrings as she stands there.

"Jade is getting eaten by a ghost," Jesy says, as though it's the most obvious explanation in the world.  

"Why?" Perrie asks, pouting.  "I like Jade, I don't want her to get eaten."

Jesy smirks and winks at Jade, the younger girl pretending she doesn't see it.  "My room may or may not be haunted, and Jesy thinks that ghosts can eat people."

"Have you not seen the movies?" Jesy asks, seeming offended that Jade is dismissing her idea.  "You need some ghost knowledge."

"And Hollywood movies are what's going to do that for me?"

"Exactly.  You and I are having a movie night."

"Hey!  I wanna come, too!" Perrie whines.

"See, I would invite you, but I'm not sure if you'd make it on time," Jesy says, making it a point to give Perrie a once over as a silent comment of how long it took the blonde to get ready (making them late, by the way).

"Stop it, Jes."  Jade slaps Jesy's arm, frowning at her before changing expressions entirely and smiling over at Perrie.  "Of course you're invited, baba.  You're always invited."  Perrie beams at that, and Jade almost forgets how to breathe.

"Ugh, whatever.  Can we just go now?  Leigh-Anne is probably having the time of her life sucking Jordan's face off, and I want to be there to cock-block."

The two northerners agree and follow Jesy out of their flat.


Jade wakes suddenly, gasping and gulping for air.  The room is eerily silent around her, but that's not what she's focusing on.  She's focusing on her dream and how vivid it was, still able to feel the hand around her throat and the suffocating choking.  

She looks to her left, taking in the darkness of the room as the scene from her dream wears off, and then she glances to her right and yelps at the flash of a figure in the corner, screaming once more and ducking under her covers, shaking and whimpering.  

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