"I'm sorry, did you think you might want to talk to her parents about this?" Chris asked angrily.

"Well, we didn't think you would mind.  As we said, we figured they were due a break and would enjoy the opportunity to spend some time alone together.  Honestly, I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this, Christopher," Francine answered him.

"You don't see why we're making such a big deal out of this, Mother?" Chris asked incredulously.  "You decided on your own, without consulting her parents, to try to get Rory to go out of town with this boy you've forced her into a fake relationship with.  The next thing you know you'll be offering them a bigger inheritance if they have sex in hopes that they'll slip up and create a precious heir for the three families, giving you reason to force them into marriage.  I forbid this; they will not go on this trip that you're manipulating them into.  I will not allow you to hand my daughter the opportunity to have sex on a silver platter."

"Yeah, because she couldn't just do that at Yale," Lorelai scoffed, earning a dirty look from Christopher.

The room was silent for just a moment before Richard spoke up.  "Rory, Logan, perhaps you'd like to take a walk in the garden?  It's fairly warm for a fall day."  The look on Richard's face told them that it wasn't really a request.  They quickly got up and walked out to the garden, closing the door behind them when they exited the house.

"That was intense," Logan said quietly as they walked away from the imposing manor.

"That's an understatement," Rory replied as they continued further away from the house.

"What are we going to do if your dad continues to be against us going out of town together?" Logan asked.  They'd both already come to really look forward to their trip.

"I can talk to my parents and clue them in on the real status of our relationship.  They'll help us keep it from the others," Rory assured him.  Logan simply nodded as they continued walking, unaware of just how the conversation was going in the house.

"You have no right to try to sell my daughter off to the Huntzberger family," Christopher fired off angrily.

"Now, son, we all have the kids' best interest at heart," Francine attempted to placate him.

"Do not try to handle me, Mother," Christopher warned.

"Now, Christopher, no one is forcing the kids into anything," Richard tried to soothe.  "We simply gave the children the option of staging a relationship for the betterment of our families."

"Yes, because that makes it so much better, Dad," Lorelai shot back.  "You all keep meddling in their lives and trying to push them together with your nefarious plans."

"Our plans are not nefarious, Lorelai," Emily replied snidely.  "I don't know why you're putting up such a fight."

"Lay off of Rory and Logan, Mom and Dad.  Do you understand me?" Lorelai asked icily.  "They are more than capable of making their own decisions."

"And what if they actually want to get away for their break?  Will you allow them to go then?" Richard asked.  Christopher just sighed and looked at Lorelai, the two having a silent conversation in order to put up a united front.

"If they both walk back in that door and tell us, without any interference or coaching from any of you, that they want to go on this trip I'll consider it," Christopher finally relented.

"Very well," Emily replied, hoping that their plan could be saved.  "Theresa, will you ask the kids to come in, please?" Emily instructed the maid.  She returned a couple of minutes later with the two students.  All of the adults looked to Christopher, waiting for him to begin the conversation.

"Rory, do you want to go on this trip with Logan?" Christopher asked his daughter, certain that he knew her answer.  Rory only paused for a second before answering her dad.

"I do, Daddy.  I've always wanted to go there, and I need a break from all the studying.  Besides, it's not like we're going to be sharing a bed," she answered sweetly, hoping that her dad couldn't see through her lie.  The words felt like a knife to the heart.  His baby girl wanted to go away with that boy.

"And Logan?" Christopher asked.

"I do, sir.  I think the break would do Rory and I good," Logan answered.

"Very well then, I will back off, but don't think that you can continue to manipulate Rory and Logan," Christopher warned.  After sitting through the awkward brunch and saying their goodbyes, Rory and Logan finally arrived back at Yale in their separate vehicles.

"Am I the only one who feels the need to blow off some steam after that?" Logan asked as they got out of their cars.

"Not at all, Mac.  What do you say we destress in the bedroom and then meet the gang at the pub for drinks later?" Rory asked seductively as she ran her hands up his chest lightly.

"My girlfriend is smart and sexy," Logan replied as he followed her to her empty dorm room, both leaving a trail of clothes as soon as the door was shut and locked behind them.  It wasn't long at all until neither of them were thinking about brunch or their families.

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