[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!

Start from the beginning

There was a message written on top of the box and it read:


This is my present for you for working hard, please do well in this school and have a regular student life. I bought you this since you need time for yourself too.



I rolled my eyes while smiling at the paper with very messy handwriting. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my hands around the large box. I furrowed my eyebrows surprised that the box was much heavier than I expected. I brought the box inside and ripped the wrapping paper off the perimeter of the present. From the logo plastered on the front I could tell he spent more than twenty dollars.

Oh Frank.

The logo was a circle that said "Penny Board Australia." I widened my eyes shocked that I finally had one. I took a pair of scissors and cut through the tap and there it laid.

A blue board with red wheels.

Just like I wanted.

My heart warmed up to the thought of having the most loyal friend in the planet.

The tag said it was $120.00 and I automatically gasped. I almost phoned Frank again but I knew it was pointless because he wouldn't listen to me.

Frank is my best friend, and even though he is twenty-five years old. He runs a very successful diner in town named 'Frank's Diner' and he helps me out when I'm at a time of need. He is one of the people I trust, and has been there ever since I started my job. When I told home my situation, he never judged me. He just gave me a hug and told me it was alright. That's what I always needed. I always needed comfort and I received that from him. I'm glad that I call him my best friend. He spoils me too much and I hate that. The thought of not paying him back someday angers me. He takes good care of Melissa when I'm at school.

I sighed and placed the letter on the island of my kitchen. I still can't believe Frank did this. I'm really nervous about how the students in the school will think about me. I really shouldn't worry about what they think, but it still comes to mind.

Since the Orientation will be on August 22, which is the day after tomorrow. Well great, this will be awesome. But I guess this is what happens when you received the letter today.

I still couldn't believe Frank bought me a skateboard. I used to have a skateboard when I was ten years old, but my father broke it when he was drunk. That was the day I never expected better of my father.

I strolled down the hallway of Melissa's and I's rooms. I knocked on Melissa's door lightly. Her door held numerous amounts of stickers from television shows which surrounded a paper that said 'Princess Melissa' in bright pink colors. I entered her room and saw my gorgeous sister fast asleep.

"Are you alright, Melissa?" I whispered.

I heard groans come from her body while shuffling around her bed.. I saw her beautiful green eyes flutter up, and she sat up with her hair in knots.

"Hi Stella, " she rubbed her eyes and she checked her clock next it her. "Why are you still up? It's almost 12 in the morning." Melissa's eyes averted to the digital clock on her nightstand.

"Sorry I woke you up," I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her body and ruffled her hair with my hand. "I wanted to check up on you that's all."

"You don't always have to check up on me anymore, Stella. I'm seven years old." Melissa complained with a grin gracing her lips.

I smiled and gave her a hug. I always wanted a little sister, I saw how my other friends played with their siblings when I was an only child. I was really envious so I begged my mother for a little sister. I remember my pigtails jumping up and down in delight finding out that I was getting one.

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