Chapter 2

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Teiko's first string players were walking around the town. For a reason unknown to them, all the gyms in the school were already booked, and every court they had visited had been occupied, and they had no place to practice. They had all found this outrageous because the Basketball Club had the highest success rate out of any other clubs in tournaments, and such.

Somehow they had ended up walking along a dirt path past a field. They could see a quaint, modern home, with traditional traits incorporated into its design. Contrasting to the simple home, a basketball court that was kept in wonderful shape, was set in front of the home. Basketballs that were in just as good condition were placed in racks at the sidelines of the court.

"No one's using it. I'm sure if we ask politely, they'll let us practice," Akashi suggested. "Hello?"

"What are you all doing here?" They heard a familiar voice asked. Then they saw her, leaning on a tree, hand on her hip.

Rekka's flannel shirt was unbuttoned, showing her white crop top that exposed her tanned, muscular midriff and she had jean shorts and olive green combat boots. She fixed her black fingerless gloves, as she pushed herself off the tree, sauntering towards the First String players of Teikō

"Can we use the court?" Akashi asked.

"Depends. How well can you do in a fifteen minute game against me?" Rekka smirked.

"How many against you?" Nijimura asked this time.

"Your choice," Rekka shrugged her shoulders.

"Three," Akashi announced. "Daiki, Ryōta and Atsushi," the three boys nodded their heads. They stepped onto the court, and Rekka followed, after them, onto the court. She looked like she was studying them and she nodded her head when she was done.

"Aren't you going to change your shoes?" Kise asked, but Rekka shook her head.

"I like my boots and I'm not changing them for this." Rekka smiled, as Nijimura threw her a ball from the ball rack on the side. She started to dribble in place.


Throughout the game, Rekka had caused Kise to punch Aomine where the sun doesn't shine, Murasakibara to kick Kise in the head, and Aomine to run into Murasakibara.

All three boys groaned in pain at the end of the game, while others stared in shock because how in Jesus' name did that girl manage to get them to do that? Aomine and Kise were already creating a conspiracy theory where the firehead was a puppeteer of some sort, and forced them to harm each other.

"Rekka wins, 75-25," Nijimura announced, eyebrows furrowed, causing almost everyone to gape.

"How did you do that?" Aomine wheezed. He was tired and he was hurting.

"How did I win?" Rekka laughed. "You underestimated me, that's how. I don't need a team to win. I can just do it. I bet you guys thought that'd you'd kick my ass," Rekka chuckled. "No one can make me surrender or bow."

"Is that so?" Akashi raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, indeed it is," Rekka smirked. She began to circle Akashi, as if he were prey. "I know how each position works. I have played all of them at one point in time. We also know how all of you work. The pattern of your movements. The way you shoot. Everything."

"Do we have permission to use the court?" Midorima blurted out.

"My, my, my. Someone's impatient. But sure, you did get a third of my score, when I'm not trying. That's better than how most five on one's goes when I'm not trying." Rekka smirked, shooting the ball from the halfline. "But, I wanna see your Shooting Guard in action. I'm a bit curious on his arcs." Midorima widened his eyes in shock. He examined her face, to see any sign of it being a joke. Annoyed, Nijimura pushed the greenette forward.

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