Chapter 8

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As Seirin walked down to the foyer, they were surprised to see the group of girls sitting down on some couches. They quickly hid nearby to eavesdrop on the girls. Kasumi was sitting off with who appeared to be a reporter, while the others frequented the couches nearby.

The blue-haired girl spoke very animatedly, and flirtatiously with the young woman. The reporter was starting to become flustered, shocking the male basketball team. They watched as the younger girl seemed to charm the reporter, who would smile bashfully when Kasumi gave her a compliment or praised her for something. The woman who progressively turned red, was beginning to stutter, losing her composure, hand shaking as she wrote down what Kasumi said.

"Ayame-chan can charm anyone," Mamoru pointed out. "Both women and men alike."

"Aya-pi is quite the Casanova, huh? Unlike Tex-pi who can't flirt to save her life," Sora joked. "If only flirting was like basketball."

"Shut up, Hoshi. Who needs to flirt? I don't need to flirt," Rekka scoffed, leaning back into the couch. She rested her head on the top of it, sliding down so that it was more comfortable. "I don't need any lover to be happy, but if it happens that's cool, too, I guess."

"Texas is going to end up alone the rest of her life," Kaze commented, causing the girl next to her to shoot up from her poor posture. "Tragic really, considering how well she is with kids."

"Um, shut up, please? And I don't need a significant other to have kids. Leave me alone, you aromantic prick," Rekka grunted. "You're probably going to end up alone, too. Even though that's because of your romantic attraction which is different from mine, but still, shut the fuck up."

"I won't be alone sexually, though," Kaze smirked, and the look of irritation in Rekka's eyes caused Kaze to chuckle. "You're a bit too hot-headed, don't you think? You're too brash, so it makes it easy to respond to your quips."

"I hate you, so much. Go fuck yourself," Rekka hissed crossing her arms.

"I'd rather not. I think I can get someone else to do that for me," Kaze smug smile widened, much to Rekka's annoyance.

"You are infuriating! How have we been friends for so long?" Rekka exclaimed, but watching Kaze's smile widen even more irritated her to no end. "Oh, right. It's because you're a smug bastard. You know who else is a smug bastard? Me. Smug bastards stick together!" Rekka let out a forced laugh.

"Tex-chan, please," Mamoru spoke, trying to calm her coach down. "You'll attract too much attention, and you're swearing too loud."

"I can swear as loud as I want to!" Rekka exclaimed, catching the attention of the reporter and Kasumi. "Sorry, please continue. Remember we have seven minutes 'til we have to get back on court!"

"So responsible, Tex-pi," Sora teased. "It's such a rare side from you."

"I hate all of you, you are all nuisances. Nuisances I love, but nuisances nonetheless," Rekka spoke, massaging her temples. "Please talk about something else besides my incompetence in finding romance."

"Fine, I'll stop teasing for now," Sora giggled. "What's it like being back in the Point Guard position?"

"It's really refreshing, and very nostalgic. It feels like Middle School, but better," Rekka sighed, looking at Mamoru. "How does it feel to play as a Centre, Jun? I know it's your first time playing as it, but you're doing really well."

"It's kinda strange, I'll admit. It's a bit different from being Power Forward. I mean, Aya-chan is usually the one in charge of rebounds in offensive, and Aki-chan in the defensive end. It's a bit strange being the one managing it on both sides," Mamoru gave a timid smile. "It's a lot of work."

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