Chapter 7

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(A/N English is bolded. I have changed some things in the stories. For example the hairstyles of the girls. If you want to check it out, you can look in chapter 4. But if you don't because ur lazy like me, to summarize Sora grew her hair out slightly, Kaze cut her hair, Rekka no longer has a half-shaved head, and cut the left side of her hair to even it out, Kasumi grew her hair longer, and dyed blues and greens into her hair, and Mamoru dyed the tips of her hair blonde to create an ombré. anyways thanks guys so much for reading! :)Sorry for oocness and all that jazz. Also sorry this chapter is kinda doo-doo)

The game between Kaijō and Tsuyoi was nothing unexpected, especially with Kise out of play due to his injury, but the male team still fought hard. They gave everything in the fight, despite the obvious outcome. However the gap was not something that anyone expected. It was within 13. Far too close from any of the games the girls have played.

But, it was not only the gap that was strange.

First of all, Sora had come out with a knee support on her left knee. Many people had muttered amongst themselves about it. However, the Point Guard acted as if it was nothing. She still played as she usually did. The only thing that was truly concerning for the team was Rekka.

She was quite different than she had been before the game. She was quiet, and her moves were lack-luster despite who the player was. Her red eyes lacked the fire that was usually there, and she rarely smirked or even grinned. Her shots lacked the usual finesse and performance she usually put. Her teammates' looks of utter worry when they glanced at their coach clearly indicated that something was not right.

Even Kasamatsu could feel it, so he went to approach the coach. He had told her congratulations and of how well she had played, and the look of surprise on her face was something he never thought he would see. She looked down at the ground, before looking up at him with a huge smile on her face, shocking him with her gentle grin, her eyes looking at him with such sincerity, it stunned him.

"Thank you, thank you very much," she shook his hand, and her eyes had become teary. "It means a lot."

Kasamatsu could only gape as she walked away with her teammates who patted her back, or ruffled her hair. She rolled her eyes, and retaliated, making everyone realize that she was back to normal. Kaze hung back a bit, and glanced over her shoulder at the captain of Kaijō.

"She's never been told that before, at least not by an opposing team. Thank you for bringing her back," is all the white-haired girl said, before walking after her team, who had stopped, looking back at her curiously.

"Kasamatsu-senpai, you usually have troubles speaking with girls and now you seem very popular with at least two girls. That's amazing!" Kise exclaims, though teasingly or not, no one really knew, but Kasamatsu already decided that he was offended, and reacted immediately by punching the blond's side.

"Oh shut up, won't you?"


The next game to be played would happen between Shuutoku and Tsuyoi, warm-up happening in fifteen minutes allowing the girls to relax briefly. They could all recollect themselves, get some snacks, plan for the next game, anything really, but as far as anyone knew, the girls wouldn't be easy to find. They were all somehow quite elusive, but some basketball players were determined to find them.

Kuroko, Kagami, Murasakibara, Aomine, and Momoi were all patrolling around looking for the girls, but couldn't find them, much to their displeasure. The band of rivals couldn't manage to find the girls, until they heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Chichi? Yeah, I know, I know. I'm sorry. Can you put mom on, please? Thank you."

There, standing alone, next to a vending machine, was the coach and ace of the Queens, talking into her phone. They were shocked to hear that she spoke English, but with an accent that wasn't American as well. She appeared to be stressed, and exhausted.

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