9. ab

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The sky was gloomy, the clouds a shade of ash. The wind wended mercilessly among the thin, young trees surrounding the quarters.

Its as if the gods connived, brewed up something dangerous in the clouds or simply yet, they are to make something this world will regret.

SE702 opened his eyes from the moment he knew he was able to, already. He blinked relentlessly and wriggled his numb fingers vigorously.

He inhaled and exhaled until his lungs hurt. He was glad to be back. He was glad to have survived.

He roamed his eyes, searching for familiar things, familiar figures. His eyes landed on his bionic spear that lay idle on a table in the far corner of the room he was in.

His eyes searched for Beta, his weapon and the only remnant he had left of his fallen brother.

Beta was not in sight. Alpha panicked; he bolted upright, almost knocking the monitors beside him. His eyes welled with tears; he is a man but he has a weak spot too and it was Beta.

His twin, his other half, his extended limb.

He but again whistled that tune, that poignant melody that would summon Beta back to his side almost instantly. But without luck, no hovering aircraft materialized.

He went back to the gurney and sat himself. He'd find Beta soon. He will be weak without his brother or his memory perhaps.

"You're awake. Come." A woman uttered, its voice deep and bone-chilling.

Natalia presented herself, nodded at the man in front of her and motioned for to sit beside her. He inched the distance between them and positioned himself comfortably by her side.

"You're in the Land of the Assassins' headquarters. We recovered you from the void. You are in good hands, SE702." She explained, not leaving any detail out.

His ears shot up. SE702? Why did this woman just called him that? Was that his name? He doesn't remember; his memories of the alt-world were hazy.

"I am Natalia, the elder assassin. I will be your leader. Ask me if you have questions and I will answer them earnestly." She instructed, sounding serious and cold.

Alpha shook his head and blinked his eyes fast; his head was spinning and he was still somewhat disoriented.

"Have you noticed a silver hovercraft beside me when I was recovered?" He asked, straightforwardly. He was anxious to know.

"No, we haven't seen anything like that. Besides we were in pursuit when we found you. Orcs were chasing us and we saw you on the sidewalk and we decided to bring you to the quarters. There was not enough time to observe and look closely. Apologies." Natalia responded, recalling the memories in her head as if they happened yesterday.

She can still hear the greedy moans of the orcs as they were being chased; its steps inaudible yet the rumbling of their empty stomachs warned any souls to woe.

His shoulders slumped and his breaths grew deeper.

"I'll take you to your room. Come." As Natalia stood up and motioned for him to follow her.

She lead Alpha to a well-lit hallway; its walls were metal and thick. When they arrived, she gave him a gentle pat on the back.

"Summon me when you have questions. I'll be at the barracks, two doors from here. Rest well, soldier." As she turned her back away from the confused chap.

Without his brother, Alpha feared for his safety. He almost decided to sleep with one eye open just in case.

He opened the door to his room, stepped in and closed the door behind him. There was a double sized bed shoved at the far left corner of the room and it was floating on mid-air.

There was a metal table placed beside the bed and there were clothes on top of the table.

Afraid yet hopeful, he prayed for his safekeeping and for Beta to return to him as soon as possible.

The Land of Dawn (ML Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora