1. purple

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An hour has passed and Saber has grown restless. He was ordered by his elder assassin Natalia, to wait at the top of the Shady Mountain for Hayabusa, a fellow assassin, to accept the delivery orb that contained the red vile of Immortality.

He fidgeted and twisted and turned his twin blades as he waited for time to pass. He removed his viol helmet and pressed his temples hard.

"I know I'm not designed to think deeply, feel deeply but sometimes, just sometimes, it gets lonely out here. I perhaps need someone, someone like me. A creation of science, an experiment of man." Saber thought, placing back his helmet on his head as he stood up.

He was about to turn his back and beeline his way to the quarters when a sudden swishing of what seemed to be blades, filled his ears.

He gripped hard his own blades and stayed vigilant of his perimeter. It might be demons or dark elves lurking behind bushes, awaiting for its take.

He turned on his violle glasses and scanned the proximity. It was clear. He shrugged his shoulders and rested his chin on his arm.

"Aside from evil, there is justice."

He heard a voice say. It seemed to be coming from the bushes.

He inched his way to a nearby bush and activated his blades and then he pressed a button from his metal sleeve and activated his Quaint Skill, his Ultimate, under enemy lock mode.

His blade stung a woman, a woman of purple skin.

"Assassin." And the woman smiled.

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