Chapter 4 Mr. Demon Can Be Soft

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Deathrow's flashback
"Kevin!", I cried running into big Brothers arms crying my eyes out.

I pushed my little body into his muscular one, my tiny, little arms gripped around his thin neck tightly. It felt as if I'd never let go ever again.

My small head laid snug in the crook of his neck as his once white shirt was no longer white. An imprint of red was on his shirt, blood, my blood. A river of tears came rushing down my cheeks which were patched in purple.

Purple and green bruises, bloody scratches and all sorts of marks were on my body, thick, red blood covered every inch of my frail body.

"Big brother! They hurt me, daddy did all dis", I sniffled.

"Shhh,shhh, I promise to always protect you for now on, they'll pay for this", he gritted his teeth while saying sweet nothings into my ear, he rubbed circles on my back in hopes to stop my stream of tears.

The once warm atmosphere turned pitch black and everything disintegrated in a blink of an eye. Kevin stood infront of me, he had blood dripping from a hole in his heart and bulged out eyes. His clothing looked decrepped an bloody.

His crusty mouth spoke, "you killed me Ace, you killed your big brother, you killed me Ace, you killed your big brother", he kept repeating over and over again.


I felt arms shaking me back and forth, "Ace, Ace, wake up!"

My blue eyes fluttered open, a man with tattoos covering his body and chest, looked me up and down in concern, he had brown eyes and brown hair which looked into my soul. It was Mr. Demon. I was laying on the cold, hard floor, I must've fell asleep on the wooden floor.

I felt a warm liquid flowing down my Cheeks, my trembling hand reached toward my face, I was crying, it's been soo long that I forgot how this felt, I felt like that weak,frail child I once was. I quickly wiped away my tears, I will never ever cry again, I can't show I'm weak.

I got up from my laying position. Pushing Mr. Demon out the way. I didn't take a second glance behind me as I forced my shaking legs to walk towards my pink bed. Hate the color pink.

You'd think Mr. Demon would come over, embrace me, telling me everything will be ok but he didn't, he did the complete opposite. He just walked away without a second thought or glance, he shut the creeking, pink door behind him. To be honest I liked it that way, liked being shut out and shutting people out.

Eventually my little eye lids drooped completely down, I fell into a deep slumber and floated away into the clouds they call heaven.

Blake's pov
After leaving Ace's room, I felt guilt, I don't know why I would, I have never felt any feeling but anger and cold hearted revenge so why was I feeling all of these strange emotions all of a sudden? What's this kid doing to me?

I quietly walked into the kids room for reasons I do not know. I saw her cuddled into her blankets, her ravishing blonde hair laid flat on the pillow, everything about her was stunning except one thing, she was crying.

She looked to be in a deep sleep so why was she crying? Diamonds fell from her eyes through out the whole night. I looked toward my gold Rolex watch, it's 6 in the morning! How long have I creepily been watching this kid?

"Aww! Look who's going soft", annoying Jason whispered in my ear, no wonder why the kid almost blew his head off.

Without looking his direction I aimed my gun straight at his head menacingly, "Say anything to the others I'll blow your brains out", I whispered so that Ace wouldn't wake up. Then it came to me, why is she called Ace?

I went back to my room to get some shut eye, also to forget that meeting with Jason.

Ace's pov
I woke with dried tears down my Cheeks, for some reason I wake every morning with dried tear stains. I go get ready for the day. I look myself in the mirror, I look like shit. I grab a brush and brush all the Golden knots out my hair, still look like shit. I brush my teeth in a hurry, don't want to come across any of the people here. I quietly run into my room and get hurriedly dressed into my black tracksuit, throw on my black Adidas hoodie then last but not least, I chuck my blue snap back backwards on my head. 'I would Wear my Jordan's also my locket but somebody took them.'

*knock* *knock* "Kid, go to my office when your ready", hate that nickname 'kid' but I've got used to it already.

My only reply was the sound of an annoyed grunt. After some time I heard heavy footsteps walk away into the distance with a thud until eventually you could hear no more.

Adopted By A Gang Leader (Discontinued Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon