Chapter 3 New Home

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Deathrow's pov
Feeling my head on something warm, I grab the fabric resting on my body and snuggle into the warmth a while longer.

The forest such a kind place. Nature is so warm sometimes. Getting more and more comfortable, I let myself doze off.

Slowly yesterday's events caught up to me. Wasn't I in a fight with some guy in the woods? That's when I shot my gun from him surprising me. It was as if I was hit by a truck. The memory of him stabbing me with a sharp needle then slumping my limp body over his shoulder.

I'm not in the forest am I?

Snapping my eyes open ( as if instinctively), I pat down my pockets looking for my pistol yet still in a laying position (probably laziness). No sign of it here. I'm disarmed, shit this has never happened. Without noticing it, I started shaking, no that was the only thing that made me feel safe. I inhaled a deep breath before huffing. I don't need my gun to win, I'm still pretty good at combat, I tried reassuring myself.

My head layed on something warm, I'm assuming it's someone's lap. Who the hell is this?

My body reflexes caused me to sit up instantly. To my right there was a window, scenery changed quickly as soon as it was seen, that's when it hit me. I'm in a car. Who's it was, I'm still unsure.

"Mornin kiddo!", I heard a familiar voice. The guy who adopted me huh? For now I'll call him Mr demon since I don't know his name.

I looked towards the driver seat wide eyed, did I really lose a second time to him?

"I'm not staying!" I looked at my dangling legs, my shoes are gone leaving me in black socks. That piece of shit really took my shoes. Making sure he didn't take anything else, I pat my neck down. Great, my necklace was gone too.

He must've deduced that these two items held significance to me. Now what? Usually when something important is taken, blackmail leads after it. I've seen gangs take people as hostage, wife's, girlfriends etc. They usually demand money I'm return of their safety...

Of course they're sent back to their families, just in pieces. No one is ever given back alive.

"Did you take my shoes and necklace?", I asked in the most nicest way possible, trust me it wasn't easy.

"Oh yeah, if you want them back, your gonna have to shut your fucking mouth and sit down quietly like a good girl", he replied calmly. I cringed at the use of 'little girl'.

Getting up from my seat, I was about to beat the shit out of him. Until I felt an arm pull me towards their chest.

"My teddy!", I heard the stranger mumble as he hugged me tight.

"Get him off of me!", I whisper shouted at Mr demon, while I struggled under the strangers grip.

Mr demon only chuckled at me while continuing to drive down the road.

Through out the whole ride this guy called Jason has been hugging me, calling me his teddy bear. Surprisingly he was asleep the whole time.

Finally we made it.

"Were here!", he shouted tiredly while undoing his seat belt.

I crept close to Jason's ear, "WAKE THE FUCKING UP, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!", he instantly woke up and dropped me on my head harshly.

"Asshole! You hugged me all that time and you decide to drop me on my head now!", I punched him in the dick from my seating position.

"My poor babies", he whimpered while on the verge of tears.

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