Chapter 18

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  I sat in my bed in the hotel room as Dakota was no where to be found and Sarah just wanted to leave. I didn't stop her, I wanted to be alone anyways, so it doesn't matter. All this time to myself I just couldn't stop thinking about Seth. Right now, I want nothing more than to be in his arms. I find it strange that he seems like my only source of comfort. I really don't regret kissing him in the hallway, what I do regret is the fact that he got hurt. It wasn't a pretty sight and there is no getting through to Corey. In other words he won't stop until he finds its the right time to stop. Plus, he is now on the main roster with Seth so it won't be a good thing.

  I sighed in frustration as I dropped my head into my hands and felt my throat knot up. I took a heavy gulp and blinked a few times. That was a sign that I was about to cry. I began to sniffle and I stood up. I just want someone to hold me and I know where he is. I just can't find myself to stay away from him. We can't be together because they won't approve but right now I just want to be near him, close to him. It will end wrong soon enough but right now I do not care. He was like a drug that I can't get enough of. It actually feels right, for the first time. I grabbed my key card and walked out the room and went down the hall.




  I was just blinking back tears as I walked out of the hotel. I had no clue on where to go, just walking. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to stop the tears but it only caused them to start flowing down my face. I took a deep breath as my chest began to feel heavy. Then Randy ran through my mind, his face, his anger, his hateful words repeated in my mind. It only made me feel like my world would come crashing down all over again. Dean was the cause of this, but it feels like I can't completely blame him because he kissed me first but I kissed back, and I could of had the opportunity to push him off, but I didn't. In result of my actions, I lost the one I love.

  "Hello Princess" A deep, raspy voice spoke out. I tensed up a bit and felt something erupt inside of me. I knew exactly whose voice it was. I turned around to see Dean standing there , who was actually looking adorable. His hair was tousled but it seemed so perfect, he had a tight, white v neck shirt with a black leather jacket on, with some jeans and sneakers on. Typical bad boy style but it worked so well for him. Then he had the eyes that made him seem so innocent but read so many stories.

  I just stared at him and sniffled. It caused more tears to run down my face. Once he got a good look at my face that signature smirk turned into a frown. He took a step towards me but paused as if he was waiting to see if I was going to do something. I did nothing but stand there and then he began to step closer to me. "Come here Princess, don't..cry" He whispered as he wrapped his large arms around me as he pulled me into his chest. It was a strange sensation for me, but for some odd reason I wasn't thinking against it. As I buried my face into his chest, his cologne filled my nose and I was in love with the scent. He rubbed my lower back and I found myself clutching onto his shirt as I cried even more. I had no idea why i was crying so hard, I believe this was a sign that to comfort me, but my emotions thought otherwise. My sniffles only caused him to hold me tighter. He then began to whisper sweet nothings in my ear as he comforted me.

 This whole gesture was strange because he is usually a sadistic jerk to me and now he wants to make it seem as if he was my best friend. It was an act of kindness that I think I shouldn't act upon. Tomorrow, he could act as if he hates me all over again. I shouldn't feel special. To be honest, this is what I need right now. For someone to hold me. I never would of thought Dean would of filled the spot. I thought maybe Corey would have but guess not.

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