Chapter 23

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  All of a sudden I got whacked to the face. My eyes shot open and all I could see was Roman standing over. Which was strange because Roman never woke me up like this before, it was always Dean but whatever. I groaned and rubbed my head and looked to the side to see the bed empty. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and I chewed on my bottom lip as my mind wandered. Where did she go? Was this all real? It felt like it was. It was all too hard to tell. All I know is that it was amazing.

 "Rise and shine two tones, we got to get ready for work" He said as he plopped himself down on the couch. I groaned and then let out a yawn. I rubbed my face as I sat up.

 "Where's Dean?" I asked as I hunched off the bed. He just shrugged.

 "I don't know but I texted him and he said  he was coming over with his stuff so.." He said as he played with his hands. I watched him for a bit and noticed that he was now staring at...nothing. I could tell something was really bothering him because he had a look on his face as if he regretted something. Who knows, bet he wouldn't talk to me anyways.He has a knack for shutting people out if he wants to. Sometimes I do think he is bipolar but whatever. back to my little Robyn situation.

  Everything just felt so real. The way I touched her in everyway possible. It didn't even feel like a dream even though it could have been. I don't know, it is really confusing.I can't even picture it as a dream either. Nothing was fuzzy or anything. It could be but I don't want to be wrong.

  I sighed and walked over to my suitcase and got my boxers and walked right into the bathroom. Leaving Roman in his thoughts.

  I stripped out of my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked ridiculous if you ask me. I scratched my beard and huffed. I moved over to the shower and turned on the hot water and waited till' it got steamy. Once it did I stepped inside and closed the shower door behind me. I stepped under the soothing water and I closed my eyes. Once again Robyn filled my mind. Her gorgeous smile and her bold actions made me feel aroused. If I keep it up I have to use cold water. To her facial expressions, her demands and the way she called my name.

  I groaned in frustration and I leaned against the shower wall. Now I want nothing more than for her to touch me. I need her here with me and I can't figure any of this out.

  I can no longer tell dream from reality.

 All I wish is that she should of came to me that night and never left the hotel.




  She giggled as I lightly tickled her sides causing her to jerk closer to me. She placed her tiny hands on top of mine trying to push mine off but I stopped her by kissing the tip of her nose. She crinkled her nose and smiled. I admired her lips, eyes, cute little nose and that gorgeous smile she had on display for me right now. She is so amazing in my eyes and I would hate to hurt her. I want to show her so many things but I don't know how or even how to begin.

  "This is all so strange" She spoke in a soft voice.

 "What do you mean?" I asked as I moved to lay on my back. She moved until her arm was across my stomach and her head was on my chest.

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