Chapter 9

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  Really?Robyn?Her out of all people.I know she is crazy and all but damn.She hooked up with Seth. I shouldn't be too mad at her because it was the alcohol acting for her. I obviously know what it's like.So I shouldn't be so quick to judge.Its not right.

  Lately, I find myself being distant from them.It is just so weird. I have been by Dakotas side because she isn't exactly in a good condition other than that I have been doing other things on my own. Like going to the gym by myself.Which is something I don't do. I usually go with my girls, but Dakota cant exactly do that yet and Robyn has been in her own little bubble.So might as well let them be.

  The moment Dakota blurted out that Robyn slept with Seth I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. I haven't left since then. I heard a door close from out there indicating that someone left.Im pretty sure it was Robyn. I mean after what just happened I probably wouldn't want to stay in the room either.

  What Dakota did was kind of rude but I guess that is just how she is. Sometimes it seems like she really can't keep a secret for her life. I haven't got anything to hide so I shouldn't be so worried about it.

   I hovered over the sink and just stared at my self in the mirror and just shook my head.


  I was running on the treadmill after I did a large number of sumo jump squats. I have this workout addiction where I tend to kill myself out exercising. I dont know if its a healthy thing or not but it makes me feel good towards the end of the day.It makes me feel accomplished. So now I am working out my legs and then im going to do abs and arms and then im done.

   I was now doing four miles on the treadmill. I turned up the music that was playing in my ears and I decided to run faster and I was just breathing in and out.

   I felt as if someone was watching me.So I looked up into the mirror to see Dean standing there like a creep just staring at me. I groaned in disgust and I rolled my eyes. I just kept running and just ignored him.

   I glanced up again and he was still staring at me. I really hate when people stare at me.It just annoys me. Plus, he is ruining my workout time.I dont have much time to exercise like this because I travel around and such. It wouldn't hurt to leave me in peace. Dean over there must think other wise.

   I stopped the treadmill and I hopped off and wiggled my legs a bit. Yeah they are most definetely sore.  I get a strange sensation from it anyway so I don't mind.

  I walked over to Dean and he had a look of amusement written all over his face. "Can I help you princess?"He asked with a smirk. I cringed at the nickname.

  "Yeah you mind not staring at me while I work out?"He just chuckled.

  "Nah I don't mind at all. "He said with a shrug.I just rolled my eyes.

  He just chuckled. "Keep rolling your eyes and they are going to start getting stuck like that"

  "Thats pretty smart of you to say, don't you think? Never knew you had it in you"I smirked. He then frowned and I just smiled. I shoved past him and he just went to work out.

  I picked up some weights and did dumbell squats.I counted to myself as the music played in my ears.




  I was doing weight presses and I just stared at Sarah as she did her dumbell squats. I watched her go down and rise back. There is something about her and I do not know what it is.Yet it makes me want to know. I find it strange.

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