Chapter 25

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~Later On In Raw~



  I stood at the gorilla with Dakota. Right now, we were going to make a truce with the Shield. It's crazy because we have only had a few months of a feud and now we are just going to make up. I honestly think it's good. Robyn would of wanted this too. Since she had a thing for Seth and all. The one thing I am worried about is Roman. I know everything about what happened with him and Dakota. I just think this all crazy. I honestly do not see Dakota getting back with him anytime soon. I really hope she doesn't because she doesn't need someone like him in her life. I hope he is think very hard about this and he better feel guilty.

  "You ready?" Dakota asked as she fixed the hoodie on her head. I chuckled and nodded and our theme music hit. I took a deep breath and we walked through the curtain out to the screaming crowd. Oh how I missed this, The thousands of screaming fans. Just being here makes me happy. I have wanted this my whole life and it's just a beautiful sight. I walked down the ramp with Dakota and I slapped some of the fans hand as I made my way down the ramp.  I slid into the ring as Dakota went to grab the microphones.

  I leaned against the ropes as she climbed in and handed me my microphone and she sat down in the middle of the ring and rolled her lips together. Our music died down and I slowly brought the mic up to my lips.

  "Now, you know our little issue with the team of the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose, the Samoan Thor, Roman Reigns, and the flying ninja, Seth Rollins. Our little battle has been going on for quite some time now and honestly I know it's getting to the best of us, because believe me when i say we had our fiery moments. So what I am basically trying to say is that I think the Shield should come out here so I could finish this properly" I stated as I began to walk around the ring. After a few minutes of silence.

"Sierra Hotel Indiana Echo Lima Delta , SHIELD!"

  They came down the stairs through the crowd and I watched them as they did. Dakota kept her gaze at the ground as she stood up and moved towards the ropes.  Soon enough they were over the barricade and they had mics in their hands. They all climbed into the ring one by one and they stood in front of us. Dean sent a wink my way and I rolled my lips and looked away to keep myself from smiling. I probably failed because I could feel my face getting hot. I took a deep breath and brought the mic up to my lips again.

  "Now, I am glad that you guys are here." I said walking around them.

  "What's on your mind, princess?" Dean asked with his signature smirk. As I walked around him I playfully bumped his shoulder and giggled softly to myself. I stood in front of him and he looked down at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. I smiled softly and backed away softly.

 "I want to call a truce, I think we should end this feud with have" I said. Seth then nodded.

  "Sounds good to me..I mean we all have gotten to know each other a bit more..." He said as he looked down at the ground. I had a bright feeling he was talking about Robyn. I sighed softly and looked at Roman who was staring at Dakota who was looking elsewhere towards the crowd. I sighed and looked back at Dean.

  'Anything for you" He spoke with a smile that brought out his cute dimples. I smiled and nodded. Then I stuck my hand out to Dean first and he smirked and grabbed my hand. Then he yanked me towards him and wrapped his arms around me. Causing the crowd to gasp. I giggled and wrappy my arms around his waist  and we both pulled away and he went off to lean against the ropes. I giggled softly went to go hug Seth. I knew he needed this. He hugged back and I felt him slightly shake. It's heartbreaking, knowing that he is ready to breakdown.

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