Chapter 20

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  I just sat here holding an emotional  Sarah.She hasn't stopped crying since. I want Robyn to be okay because I know It will never be the same without her. "You know I actually care about her.."I spoke silently. She shifted and then nodded. I was still wiping tears that I didn't even realize were falling.

  "Its obvious you do because you fought my brother over her. I am happy that this isn't a secret and she told us she slept with you the next day. But all I ask, if you two end up together please protect her from Corey"She whispered.

   I didn't feel to say anything more so I just nodded my head. Soon I feel Sarah tense up and she moves her head. I looked up as well to see Dakota standing at the door looking nothing but a mess.Sarah then shot up out of the seat and stepped towards Dakota. "This is all your fucking fault! You are the reason why she is in here, fighting for her life because of you! All because you can't keep your legs closed!" I stared at Sarah in disbelief. What the hell is going on? I dared to ask.

  "What's going on?" I asked loud enough for them to hear. Sarah then turned her head in my direction/

  "Oh, you didn't know? Your friend Roman has been sleeping around with her"She said as she glared at Dakota. I stared at her and just sat silent. All Dakota could do was stand there silently and just cry. Nothing but hot tension and sniffles filled the room. Just then a doctor came in with a clipboard.

 "Are you guys here for Robyn Edwards?" He asked with a strained face. We all nodded and then his expression completely dropped.

  "Is she okay?" I asked as I began to feel uneasy. He stood there silent for a minute. Which was too long for my liking. I then stood up and moved closer to him.

  "She is okay, right?" I asked once again. He then gulped and adjusted the glasses on his face.

 "I-Im sorry.." He spoke. I then felt my heart drop to my stomach.

 "She didn't make it.." He trailed off looking away. I then felt my blood boil and tears flooded my eyes.

 "So you mean to tell me the girl I am in love with is gone?" I said as I noticed my voice was cracking. He looked at me with worried eyes and nodded.

 "Y-you can see her room, its 302" He said. Sarah then let out a scream. I turned around to see her on the floor, crying her eyes out. I hate this. I didn't even get to tell her how I felt. I want to be with her and no it didn't take a hospital for me to figure it out. Good thing we kind of left off in a good note. I got to hold for which is now the last time. I knew she was fighting but I guess she couldn't hold on. I have no words to describe how I feel right now. It was like I was dying inside.

  I turned to Sarah and helped her up. I then looked around the room and Dakota was no where to be seen. I was awfully confused. But she isn't my concern right now. I helped Sarah up and went to Robyn's room. Once I looked through her room window I felt drained of any happiness I ever had. She looked pale as ever and it was breaking me. Seeing her lifeless on this hospital bed is just horrible. I turned to Sarah who looked frozen as she stared inside the window. "Do you want to go first?" I asked her. She just shook her head and backed away.

 I sighed and walked inside first and felt uneasy once I got a better look at her. I grabbed a chair and sat down and reached for her hand. It was cold as ever and it made me cry even more. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it. "Gosh Robyn, why do you have to be here? Why are you not alive right now, smiling, laughing or just being your sassy self. I wasn't even around you long enough for me to know that I love you. I honestly do, that night, was amazing I remember it cleary as if I was never drunk in the first place, then the kisses. You had no idea how bad I wanted to make you mine, I just can't find the right moment. Now, I never get to. I wanted to show you off and get to kiss you publicly. If you had a problem you should of came to me. You know I would of held you and listen to you. It's like I am talking to you as if you are in a coma...but you're you can't hear me. But I hope you are in a better place, I want you to be happy. I love you Robyn."

  At this rate I was in fullblown tears. I put her hand down gently and looked at her for a few more seconds and then stood up. I walked to the door and opened it. I looked back at her once more before I left.





  I sat down in the chair right across from her room. I couldn't bring myself to go in there first. So Seth did. I fshe were to make it they would of been perfect together. I would of loved to see her happy. We all would of been champions. One of us would be the divas champ and then two of us could of been the divas tag team champions. We all had a set goal and now we will never know if it will ever be accomplished. She is gone, my best friend, the one who I love like a sister is gone. It was like a part of me is gone. She had her flaws but thats what we loved most about her.

  But where is Dakota in all this? Our friend is laying on a hospital bed and she just bailed out on Seth and I. Some friend she is. I swear If I find out where she is and I don't like it, I will put my hands on her.

  Seth then came out of the room and he looked so horrible. I felt so bad for him, he must of really cared about Robyn. He walked over to me and I hugged him tightly and he began to sniffle and it only made me feel bad. This is not a good night and I can't stand it. Why does this have to happen. Robyn doesn't deserve this. She couldn't control her anger but its strange. Usually she would want to stay isolated in a room to blow steam off. Not leave.This whole situation must of really bothered her. I can't even describe how I feel right now. 

 Seth then pulled away and he sat down on the chair with his head in his hands. I sighed and adjusted my shirt and walked into her room and I felt like breaking down right then and there. To see her like that is heartbreaking. It then makes me think that I should be the one on that bad. I an't deal with this. I sat down on the chair and reached for her ice cold hand. 

  "Gosh Robyn, I can't believe you are gone. I lost my sister, my best friend, my little cool rancher" I let out a soft chuckle remembering her obsession with doritos the cool ranch flavor.  "Why did the stupid car have to hit you, they saw you didn't they?Why didn't they stop? They took your life away. They took you away from Seth. I know he loves you. If he didn't he wouldn't be here in tears for you. I would of loved you two together. I will always miss the moments we had together. We always had a good time together. We would of been champions. Don't worry we will still fight on, just to make you proud. I know if you were to hear this you would be happy. Dakota may not be here right now but she is hurting and I know. What we said to her wasn't right and we were just pissed, but we both love her. I will take care of her. She is like the baby of the group. DOn't worry Robyn I will make sure everything is okay. I will always love you big sis." I said as I stood up and kissed her forehead. I gave an awkward hug but it meant a lot to me.

  I took a deep breath and sighed.

  "Goodbye Robyn " I gave myself a weak smile and then I left the room. Seth looked up and then stood up. 

  "Let's go..." I whispered. He nodded and we left the hospital.




    I couldn't be there anymore. I don't even know if I can even bring it upon myself to go back and say bye to her. What type of friend am I? I am a horrible person. I don't even deserve to live at all. I don't deserve happiness after all the shit I pulled. Nothing will seem to be okay knowing that my other half is gone. 

  I sighed and played with my fingers as I stood in front of Romans door. This is it.


{What do you think of this chapter?}

{I was really emotional writing Seth's part man. :( }


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