She began to sob. Sehun couldn't see it but he could hear how her breath would be caught in between sobs. And it broke him. He didn't know it was this bad. And there he was having the time of his life while she was here being miserable trying to protect him.

"So what you're trying to do is give excuses as to why what you're doing is right? Cut the crap Daeun." Luhan hissed." Sehun finally likes someone, so what you've liked Jongin for what? A few years. Whoopedy doo! You and the rest of this school. You don't love him, you're infatuated. What Sehun and Jongin have is real. Why can't you understand that? Besides if you think short time relationships are more important than friendship, just think if Sehun is already tied down people will stop courting him, more for you right?!" Luhan laughed bitterly and Daeun had stopped crying.

"What about you huh? Minseok had liked Sehun not you."

Sehun's eyes widened. Minseok liked him? When?

"Just like Jongin, it was an infatuation because he is so beautiful and I knew that. Sehun had no interest, and Minseok knew that. He did try, but when Sehun didn't give him any attention I did. And that was okay. Why? Because I didn't forcefully try to take Minseok away from him, Minseok left himself so then I got in. Because that's what you do. And did I hate Luhan for it even though I had liked Minseok for the longest time? No, I didn't. Because it wasn't his fault."

"Daeun, I'm so disappointed in you."

Was Luhan's last words before Sehun heard footsteps walk away. Daeun cursed under her breath and began to walk away as well but the opposite of where Luhan had gone, which was were Sehun was standing. He couldn't move, he didn't know what to do, but before he could do anything it was too late.

Their eyes met for a handful of seconds. Her eyes were bright red and puffy and her face twisted in a scowl. Something Sehun had never witnessed before.

"Did you hear all that?" She spoke normally like nothing ever happened. All Sehun could do was nod.

"I'm sorry." Sehun finally speaks and Daeun's eyes widen. "I didn't know."

"You never do." She responds.


She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Weren't you listening?" She scoffs.

He nods again. "Why do you care so much about me even though it caused you pain."

He watches as her lower lip quivers and she bites it to restrain it. "I don't have to answer that." She says and takes off. Sehun tried to stop her but she didn't budge and kept walking into the narrow hallways. Maybe he should have stopped her, maybe if he did, everything could be fixed, but he didn't.

Sehun didn't talk to anyone that day. The multiple calls he received from Jongin and the few from Luhan he all ignored. He needed time to think. He couldn't believe that in just two days a friendship built in years could be shattered. No, not shattered, only slightly cracked. He could still fix it. He didn't want to lose anyone. Especially not her.

The next day at school was even worse. Daeun had completely ignored him as they walked passed each other in the hallway that morning. People had known what had happened at the dance. Sehun was oblivious that he didn't realize people were watching him and Jongin. Everyone knew everything, and there he thought that no one cared about him. And even if that was the case Jongin was still popular. The consequences of what happened were tremendous. Sehun never experienced so much bullying in his life. There were even teams. Team Sehun, team Daeun, and Team Jongin. There has always been team Jongin however.

My Idiot Neighbor (boyxboy) (sekai)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz