If I were to argue with him he would most likely force it down my throat. Or threaten me with something outlandish. "Okay."

He looked at me in surprise, an eyebrow slowly going up. His look of surprise quickly ceased as he composed himself. "Good. Let us get you dressed so you can drink it," he claimed as he walked over to my chest and pulled out a large dress. My mood soured as I realized it was entirely to large but it would fit me well.

He helped me into my dress before waiting for me patiently to absolutely do nothing with my hair. I brushed it with my fingers, and then left it.

"I have a meeting to attend, ask the servants to bring out the tea once you are ready for it," he explained as I slowly nodded my head. He gently palmed my stomach before rushing down the hall.

I made my way down to the dining hall and I was surprised by what I saw.

There sat Eddie and Chelsea. Whispering while eating fruit. "But do not tell Esme," Edwin added in while I acted as if I had coughed. His eyes widened, and he looked away from me.

"Do not tell me what?" I asked as I sat down and was instantly greeted with my food. Chelsea just laughed softly while Eddie glared at her as if she was about to tell a huge secret.

Chelsea grabbed Eddie's hand and squeezed it. "Edwin wants to run away to the woods and marry Sarah once she awakens like you and Sirus have done. He wants me to marry them."

Eddie's cheeks reddened as he threw his hands up. "Chelsea no!" He exclaimed as she hugged him tightly, saying sorry.

"Eddie you can marry Sarah when you are able to uh...well when you are old enough," I said as I began to eat my breakfast. I wanted to moan and hug the cook. Sirus would probably have his head though...

"When is old enough? She is mine!" Eddie exclaimed as Chelsea looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Oh, this will not do. He sound like Sirus. "Edwin, come here. Now, please." He quickly got up and walked over to me. I inspected him.  He had a cut on his cheek and scrapes on his chin. "Edwin...what are...you okay?" I questioned bending down to kiss his cheek.

He squirmed in my embrace. "N-no. I am not a baby," he said while he squirmed in my embrace. "I am not a baby!"

I was shocked at how angry he sounded.... "Everyone leave, close the doors." The two guards, the maids, and Chelsea quickly walked out of the room. Shutting the doors on their way out.

Edwin would not look at me. Instead he was staring angrily at the floor. "Edwin, what is wrong? Where did those scrapes come from?"

"If I am...if I am going to protect you and Sarah I have to get hurt. I-I have to, to be strong," he said in a whispered tone. His bottom lip was quivering.

My emotions were getting ready to boil over. "Edwin, you are a child. You do not have to protect us just yet. When you are older you will do so...but right now you-"

"I am a Prince! I-I will be a King just like just like Sirus..I cannot be a child...no more," he whimpered out as I grabbed him enveloping him in a hug.

The tears came out. The sobs that rocked his six years young body were enough to make tears spring from my eyes. "I-I have to be a King," he cried. "L-like father!"

My heart broke. I had forgotten Eddie. Throughout all of this I had forgotten about him. He had lost his family too. He had lost his childhood. At least I was lucky enough to have our parents for my childhood. He had to look towards Sirus...and I.

Now that was one thing that unsettled me. Sirus and I were basically raising Eddie then bringing a child into the world. To raise too.

The more I thought about it, the more I cried. These pregnant emotions were just to much for me! The more I cried the more I felt Eddie's tears diminish and his small hand patting me on the back. "It's okay Esme!" He said encouragingly as he was still managing to sniffle up and dry his own eyes.

I began to laugh. "We are a mess are we not Eddie?"

"You are a mess, I will be King!" He smiled as I had finally managed to kiss his scrapes.

"No, Edwin. You are a King."

*Queen of the Dragons Excerpt*
The thought of her wandering around the halls in this night gown was enough to set my blood boiling. "Estelle, why were you wandering the castle halls this late at night?"

She shrugged, making the delicate strap on her shoulder slowly slide down her arm. "I do not remember...but I do remember hearing you yell. Are you okay, Loche?"

No. How could I possibly be okay with her in my bed. Dressed like that? With such a look on her face? I had to get off of the bed. I was seconds from losing control. She was not even my wife yet and I wanted to do things to her that even had my Dragon questioning if it were possible.

"Your gowns are to revealing," I snapped at her watching her look at me in confusion.

"But no one will see them because I am sleeping, Loche," was her reply as she climbed out of my bed. I watched her almost fall out of it, and giggle as she turned to look at me. She was not supposed to be here. In my bed. In my room. "Plus they are very comfy on my skin."

I glowered down at her. "It is to much for me to see, Estelle. We are not married yet."

She seemed puzzled at my last statement. "Then do not look at me Loche. I do not understand why you get so angry so easily?" She questioned.

I walked over to the door, grabbing my robe. I slumped the large garment on her. She wrapped it around herself and bunched it up at her legs. "This is so large," she commented, as she laughed a bit.

"Come. I will escort you back to your room."

She laughed, "Loche I am capable of walking back to my room. You do not have a shirt on either. People would think we were...kissing," she said it as if that were so entirely awful. I could think of worse things that people would think we were doing.

Before she had the chance at rebuttal, I heard knocking on the door. I attempted to get to it, but it slammed open. My uncle in his night robes, glaring at me before looking at Estelle.

He smiled, bowing to her. "Oh it is a delight to see you Princess but may I warn you that it is late and ill thought to be in Loche's room this time of night."

She quickly bowed back to Alazar, who was glaring daggers at me. "Oh yes, Uncle Alazar! I was just leaving... goodnight!" She smiled at me and then at Alazar before I heard her bare feet running down the hall.
This was just a cute chapter I was thinking about deleting but I kept because why not?!

How do you guys like the new cover?? I love it!! Thank you to @17Serenity for this amazing cover!!!

Another thing I'm working on the Queen of the Dragons story I just keep putting little snippets in here for you guys. I'll publish it once Queen of the Beasts is finished.

Anyway, today's my birthday:) I'm bored and I just want my ice cream cake I know I'm getting later in the day.

Till next time:)

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