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Nusaibah had made cookies and the milk was all set in the fridge. Khawla was about to come over in a short while and Fayyaz was jumping up and down all around her room. He couldn't wait to see 'The Khawla'.

"Aunt Nusaibah! Where is she?"

"Aunt Nusaibah! Is she really coming?'

"Aunt Nusaibah! Call her please."
Saying that Fayyaz was eager was an understatement. In the next five minutes, Khawla let herself in and navigated her way to Nusaibah's room.

The minute Khawla walked into the room, Fayyaz hid himself behind the cupboard. Nusaibah laughed.

"Really Fayyaz! After all that nagging!?"
Nusaibah filled Khawla in on the Fayyaz situation as she approached him.

"Hey Habib. I'm Khawla. And you are!?"

"I'm Fayyaz," he said in the sweetest voice ever. Nusaibah rolled her eyes as she thought, 'biggest pretender ever!'.

"You wanna come out and say salaams?"
He nodded.

After a few minutes of playing around, Nusaibah asked Fayyaz to go play so she and Khawla could talk.

"How've you been? Rayhannah and I have been worried sick."

"Everyone has problems right? "

"Habibtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Don't say that. That's why we are here right? To help each other through problems."

"Honestly I feel like if I began telling you my problems I'd suffocate you guys."

Nusaibah laughed.

"Rayhannah told me the story behind that word."
Khawla made a face.

"Uuuuuuh! What's the matter?"


"Tell me this story and I'll tell you mine!"

She laughed.

"Go on. Begin!"

"Its been what? Five months since Umar and I found out what we felt for each other."
Nusaibah laughed.

"You do know that saying 'love' isn't forbidden right?"

"You get the point!"

"Hahaha! Okay continue."

"Sometimes I feel burdened. This guy is so Masha Allah! But ..... Nusaibaaaaaaaah!"


"Stop laughing!"

"Okay I'm sorry."

"Mama loves him, sometimes I think too much, don't get me started about Muhammad, he's Rayhannah's brother. Ya Allah! I feel like if I'm to actually tell the truth as often as I should, I'd hurt one too many people."

"First things first Rayhannah and him are not biologically related. And second, what truth!?"

"Nusaibah I don't know," Khawla said as she began tearing up, "Ya Allah. I'm scared. That's it. You remember Aliyah from school? She was so holy Masha Allah, may Allah increase for her, but she was hurt in the worst way possible. Love. The thing with her is that she didn't even go in search of it. Same case with Umar. I'm scared of hurting him. He doesn't know me the way he should because he literally has his mind set on Niqqah and all."

"Khawlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Honest to God I don't think he deserves you."

"Don't say thaaaaaaat!"

"Why not?"

"Becaaaaause! Don't even get me started. That guuuuuuy!"

"Hahaha I'm listening!"

"He is everything I've ever wanted you know. Soft at heart, funny and all. And there's one time Rayhannah was telling me that he had a problem and he wasn't telling anyone but the thing is he had told me." Khawla screamed. "Such moments I just want this period of waiting to eeeeeeeeeeend!"

"Slow down! Now you see. Everything you've said, that's what I needed you to hear. From yourself. Umar is amazing, yes! And so are you! Stop your nonsense. You deserve him. I'm so serious. Do whatever you'll do but just know that you should be his."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Nus Nus!" The girls laughed. That was a nickname all three girls disliked. And the mere mention of it, made the remember and miss highschool, "Anyway, your story!?"

"Honestly I'm going to be okay. I need you to trust me on this one. Stop stressing too much. I've told you time and time again. One thing for sure is that I tell my things to you honestly. But some things are better left unsaid. Am just not comfortable talking about that issue. It makes me remember things I left long time ago."

"I'm waiting on you habibty. I'm waiting for you to be comfortable and to come forth. Don't tell me not to stress. Duffo!"

Ummu Nusaibah walked in with the cookies and milk.
"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Khaltuuuuuuu! Assalamu Aleikuuuuuuum." Khawla said as she got up to help, "Jazakallahu Khayran".

"Haha! Waaleikum Salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam lovely," She said as she kissed her forehead, "I've missed you! How's yumma? And everyone else?"

"Everyone's good Alhamdulillah. And I've missed you too."
Stories were exchanged and when Khawla's curfew was about to fall on them, she was escorted out by Nusaibah and a very sad Fayyaz.

Muhammad said when he saw his sister walk in the house.

"Waaleikum Salaam, you good?"

"Alhamdulillah. You?"


"I shouldn't have said what I said the other day."

"I shouldn't have acted the way I acted the whole time."


"A thousand times over!"

"Mama made lasagne. Yours is in the microwave."

"Okay. I'll eat right after I've prayed. "

"Khawla, are you sure you okay."

"I am. Truly."

"If you weren't you'd tell me right?"

If there was anything the Nurein's valued was honesty and transparency between family members. And to say the least Ummu Khawla was glad her two children were finally on good terms.

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