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The three girls were sitted in a perfect circle, hearts beating and thoughts circulating in their brains. Whatever this meeting was for, each of them knew that they would either leave the room stronger or broken. The tension in the room was too much so Khawla decided to start off the talking.
"Umm.... Bismillah! So I have no idea why this meeting was called but I think it's safe to say its more than a sign to me that I need to be honest with you. I don't live the life you guys think I do. After baba passed away or got lost or whatever happened to him that led his seniors to ask us to lose hope, mama was misled by his family to put all the money in an anonymous "trust fund" for our "education" and as expected they ran off with all the money. Mama refused to press charges! 'Family before anything else' mentality and asked us all to forgive them so now after school I bake stuff so that we can get money to pay for my siblings' tuition. It's not that I don't want to spend time with you guys, its that I can't." Khawla was stopped by sudden tears that flooded her eyes as her friends covered her in hugs and kisses.
"You don't keep stuff like that from us. I mean you've been baking alone? How do you do that to me?" Nusaibah said making Khawla smile as Rayhannah searched for words to her dilemma.
"I have haraam drama!" Rayhannah said almost inaudibly. And she saw the look that Nusaibah passed to Khawla. "What?" She had to ask.
"You like Muhammad Nurein and you are scared its haraam and you've tried to stop yourself and its been difficult but you are sure as death he doesn't feel the same way so you think its better to keep on trying to stop and you are sorry that you've not told us before but it was because you didn't wanna burden us with your problens so you found it easier to keep it to yourself. And even if you did accept it and you let yourself dream that there could be a chance that he felt the same you'd only be putting yourself up for heartbreak and never in a thousand years would you want him to be a bad guy in your head. Did I leave anything out?" Nusaibah asked after she practically spelt out everything in Rayhannah's heart and mind. "We've known for a long time now."
"Did you know that his mom called me today?" Rayhannah asked.

"Stepmom," Khawla interrupted, "That's Muhammad's stepmother."

"No I'm pretty sure she's his real mom,"

"What's Muhammad's second name?" Khawla asked, "And what's mine?"

"You and Muhammad are siblings?" Rayhannah shouted. "How could you still look at me after everything I've done?"

"Because I know you and I know my brother. He is an amazing person and has grown to be an even better person over the years but I still think if he were to get you as his significant other, he'd be the lucky one. Rayhannah I look at you and how you carry yourself as a muslimah and I am prouuuuuud to call you my best friend. You are there for me even when I'm acting weird and all. You listen to my endless whines about stupid topics, you make other people around you feel beautiful and worthy. Do I really need to continue? I can't tell you I've talked to Muhammad cause I haven't and don't make me promise not to cause I will break it. Trust me."

Rayhannah's vision was clouded by tears and as she hugged Khawla and regretted not telling her friends earlier.

"Okay now I have something to say," Nusaibah said as her hands visibly shaked in front of her. Rayhannah took her hands in her own and urged her forward. "I'm speaking for both of us actually - Khawla and I. We have feelings for your brothers."

Rayhannah froze! "Okay whoever likes Khaleed is a dimwit!" Nusaibah covered her face as the two girls fell over her laughing their hearts out. They slept facing the ceiling and Rayhannah just had to ask "Truly though Nuu, what DID you see?"

"Everything wallahy!"

The room was covered by awwwwwww's, beautiful tears and lighter hearts. They stayed that way until Ummu Rayhannah came knocking on the door to remind them to offer their Ishaa prayers.

This trio was going to make it so far in life. But not as they were, not alone at least!


For every beautiful feedback that I receive I pray that Allah makes your struggles easier to get over. You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. But please please please don't miss out on swalah or any obligation you have to fulfill to Allah or to your parents or to anyone really because of this book. Stay blessed and I love youuuuuuu
Ps: please vote and tell your friends about this book if you liked it. Shukraan

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